
中国管理科学 ›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2): 172-178.

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王勇, 韩平   

  1. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学院 重庆400030
  • 收稿日期:2007-04-11 修回日期:2008-03-31 出版日期:2008-04-30 发布日期:2008-04-30
  • 作者简介:王勇(1957- ),男(汉族),重庆人,重庆大学经济与工商管理学院教授,博士生导师,研究方向:物流与供应链与优化方法与博弈论.
  • 基金资助:


Analysis of Task Contract for Fourth Party Logistics Enterprise Based on Incomplete Information Two-sided Bargaining Game

WANG Yong, HAN Ping   

  1. College of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China
  • Received:2007-04-11 Revised:2008-03-31 Online:2008-04-30 Published:2008-04-30

摘要: 第四方物流(4PL)企业承接物流作业后要依靠第三方物流(3PL)企业来完成物流作业,因而4PL企业承接物流作业的价格决策会受到它与3PL企业交易情况的影响.本文利用不完全信息双边讨价还价博弈得出了4PL企业承接物流作业的价格,分析了价格的影响因素和4PL企业与生产企业达成交易的条件.通过对比4PL企业已知其与3PL企业交易情况和未知其与3PL企业交易情况时的报价,得出了在与生产企业交易过程中,4PL企业在前一情况下的报价高于后一情况下的报价的结论,并分析了产生这一结论的原因.

关键词: 双边讨价还价, 完美子博弈纳什均衡, 不完全信息, 贴现因子

Abstract: After the fourth party logistics(shorted for 4PL)enterprise gets the logistics tasks,he will choose the third party logistics(short for 3PL) enterprise to complete the logistics tasks.So the deal between the 4PL enterprise and the production enterprise will be affected by the deal between the 4PL enterprise and the 3PL enterprise.We obtain the price that the production enterprise pay for logistic tasks by using incomplete information two-sided bargain game,and analyze the affected factor.Compared the offer that 4PL enterprise makes under the knowledge of the deal between he and the 3PL enterprise with the offer that 4PL enterprise makes without the knowledge of the deal between he and the 3PL enterprise,we find the offer that 4PL enterprise makes in the former situation is higher than in the later situation,and analyze the reason why this phenomenon arises.

Key words: two-sided bargain, subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium, incomplete information, disco unting factor
