
中国管理科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (3): 112-116.

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李彤, 张强   

  1. 北京理工大学管理与经济学院, 北京100081
  • 收稿日期:2009-07-25 修回日期:2009-12-16 出版日期:2010-06-30 发布日期:2010-06-30
  • 作者简介:李彤(1981- ),女(汉族),河北人,北京理工大学管理与经济学院,博士,研究方向:管理决策与对策.
  • 基金资助:


Study on the Selectope Based on Dissatisfactory Degree and Its Application in Profit Allocation of Enterprises

LI Tong, ZHANG Qiang   

  1. School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2009-07-25 Revised:2009-12-16 Online:2010-06-30 Published:2010-06-30

摘要: 如何合理分配收益是企业联盟收益分配的关键问题。本文以企业联盟不满意度为出发点,借助合作对策中以超出值来表示企业不满意度的概念,在合作对策的解集Selectope中筛选出有助于公平原则的解。该解具有存在性和惟一性的优点,为企业联盟合作的稳定性方面进行了量化,是一种糅合了联盟的稳定性的企业联盟收益分配方案。

关键词: 合作对策, Selectope, 平均超出, 企业联盟, 收益分配

Abstract: Allocation of the profit of the enterprise alliance is a key issue.In accordance with the dissatis factory degree of the enterprise alliance,which is symboled by the excess value in Cooperative games,we select the comparatively fair solution from Selectope,the solution setin Cooperative games.This solution has the advantage of existence and uniqueness.We have quantitatively studied the stability of the cooperation and propose the scheme with the consideration of the stability.

Key words: cooperative game, selectope, average excess, enterprise alliance, profit allocation
