
中国管理科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4): 43-48.

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王春峰, 张亚楠, 房振明   

  1. 天津大学管理学院, 天津300072
  • 收稿日期:2009-07-14 修回日期:2010-07-12 出版日期:2010-08-30 发布日期:2010-08-30
  • 作者简介:王春峰(1966),男(汉族),河北省人,天津大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,研究方向:金融工程、资本市场理论.
  • 基金资助:


Research on the Overconfidence and the Driving Factors of the Trading Volume

WANG Chun-feng, ZHANG Ya-na, FANG Zhen-ming   

  1. School of Management, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
  • Received:2009-07-14 Revised:2010-07-12 Online:2010-08-30 Published:2010-08-30

摘要: 基于信息模型框架引入过度自信假设构建理论模型,在考虑信息结构环境的基础上建立状态依赖过度自信模型,从信息流动机制和微观机理的角度分析市场历史收益和交易量之间的关系。根据理论结果提出了私人信息冲击对交易量具有正向作用以及历史收益和交易量呈正相关的两个假说,随后基于中国证券市场的实证检验进一步验证了相关理论假说的正确性。

关键词: 过度自信, 信息结构, 历史收益率, 交易量

Abstract: Based on the hypothesis of state dependent over confidence and information structure,atheoretical model that researches the relationship between pastreturn and trading volume from the view of information flow mechanism and microm echanism is presented.The following two hypotheses drew from the theoretical conclutions are the significant positive impact of the private information shock on the trading volume and a positive correlation between the pastreturn and the trading volume.Then,based on China stock market,the empirical test makes the same conclusions,which supports model.

Key words: overconfidence, information structure, pastreturn, trading volume
