
中国管理科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4): 56-64.

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申成霖1, 张新鑫2, 卿志琼3   

  1. 1. 天津工业大学工商学院, 天津300387;
    2. 天津药物研究院, 天津300193;
    3. 南开大学商学院, 天津300071
  • 收稿日期:2009-02-10 修回日期:2010-06-07 出版日期:2010-08-30 发布日期:2010-08-30
  • 作者简介:申成霖(1975- ),男(汉族),山东莒县人,天津工业大学工商学院副教授,博士,研究方向:运营管理、营销科学.
  • 基金资助:


Supply Chain Contracts Coordination with Consumer’s Strategic Returns Policies under the Service Level Constraint

SHEN Cheng-lin1, ZHANG Xin-xin2, QING Zhi-qiong3   

  1. 1. School of Business, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387, China;
    2. Tianjin Institute of Pharmaceutical Research, Tianjin 300193, China;
    3. School of Business, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
  • Received:2009-02-10 Revised:2010-06-07 Online:2010-08-30 Published:2010-08-30

摘要: 研究由一个制造商和一个零售商及一组顾客群组成的单周期供应链的协调决策问题。建立了顾客策略性退货模型,并确定了服务水平约束下,集中式和分散式决策模式下,商品的最优价格、最优订货量和最优退货价格。为了解决分散式决策的双重边际化效应,设计了一般的回购契约、基于差别定价的回购契约和销售回扣契约对供应链进行协调,并探讨了三种契约的协调机制。结果表明,一般的回购契约及销售回扣契约不能实现包含顾客退货的供应链的协调,而基于差别定价的回购契约可以实现供应链协调。最后,通过数值算例,分析了服务水平约束对供应链总体利润的影响以及差别定价回购契约的协调效果。

关键词: 顾客退货, 服务水平约束, 契约, 供应链协调

Abstract: Consider a kind of supply chain system consisting of one manufacturer,one retailer and a group of consumers. Aconsumer strategic returns model involving in consumer individual decisions is formulated,in which the optimal price,ordering quantities as well as returns policies are given under the service-level constraint. Next,since the two-sides-marginalization exists in the decentralized supply chain,three contracts,that is,traditional buy-back contract,differentiated buyback contract and sale-rebate contract are designed to coordinate the supply chain and their coordinat ion mechanisms are further discussed. Results show that the traditional buy-back contract and sale-rebate contract cannotattain the supply chain coordination,while the rest can realize the supply chain coordination.Finally,the impacts of the service-level constraint on supply chain's profits and the effect of differentiated buy-back contract were analyzed by numerical analysis.

Key words: consumers.returns, service-level constraint, contract, supply chain coordination
