
中国管理科学 ›› 2000, Vol. ›› Issue (2): 16-20.

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孙焕东1, 赵东升1, 黄钧2   

  1. 1. 军事医学科学院网络信息中心, 北京100850;
    2. 中国科技大学研究生院, 北京100039
  • 收稿日期:1999-09-06 出版日期:2000-06-28 发布日期:2012-03-06

A Management System of User Information on a Large Campus Network

SUN Huan-dong1, ZHAO Dong-sheng1, HUANG Jun 2   

  1. 1. Network Information Center, Academy of Military Medical Science, Beijing 100850, China;
    2. Dept. of Math, Graduate School, University of Science and Technology of China, Beijing 100039, China
  • Received:1999-09-06 Online:2000-06-28 Published:2012-03-06
  • Supported by:

摘要: 作为一个连入Internet的大型园区网络AMMSNet,用户通过MSProxy2.0作为代理服务器对Internet进行访问,以MSExchange5.5提供邮件服务。在这种模式下,如何对用户的基本信息进行维护管理,对用户的访问实施监控并对其访问信息进行长期保存,完成用户数据流量的统计,实现用户管理的自动化,一直是Internet服务商和企业级网络管理员需要解决的首要问题。本文以某大型园区网络为例,介绍了利用C Builder与SQLServer数据库开发的Internet用户信息管理系统,以实现对用户访问Internet的一系列自动化管理。

关键词: Internet访问, 用户管理, 代理服务, 网络计费, 访问监控

Abstract: As a large campus network connected to Internet, it uses MS Proxy2.0 and MS Exchange5.5 to provide Internet access and email service. Under the situations such as AMMSNet, it is a problem for a lot of ISPs and enterprise/campus network administrators how to maintain and manage the users’ information, how the information of Internet access is monitored, recorded and stored for accounting and testifying, and how the users on the network are administrated automatically. This paper describes a monitoring and managing system programmed in + Builder and MS SQL which implements user management automation in a large campus network.

Key words: Internet access, user management, proxy service, network accounting, access monitor and control
