
中国管理科学 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (5): 80-85.

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杨建华, 牛坤, 于本海, 范德明   

  1. 山东工商学院工商管理学院, 山东 烟台 264005
  • 收稿日期:2011-09-13 修回日期:2013-02-25 出版日期:2013-10-30 发布日期:2013-10-15
  • 基金资助:

Optimization Model of Supply Chain Flexibility Contract for Buyers’ Market’s Timeliness Product

YANG Jian-hua, NIU Kun, YU Bei-hai, Fan De-ming   

  1. School of management, Shandong Institute of Business and Technology, Yantai 264005, China
  • Received:2011-09-13 Revised:2013-02-25 Online:2013-10-30 Published:2013-10-15

摘要: 在买方市场环境下,产品越来越具有时效性,寿命周期越来越短,为了规避风险,经销商往往不以实际预测量来订货。针对该问题,本文在已有的数量弹性契约研究的基础上,以激励相容理论和供应链理论为理念,引入回购契约的方法,提出了一个可以激励经销商的弹性契约优化模型,弥补了弹性契约的不足。用一个算例分析检验了该模型,结果表明,通过调节批发价格和返利比例来引导经销商的订货量趋势,当经销商期望利润最大的订货量与市场平均需求相等时,经销商会客观地估测未来需求量并报给制造商,同时制造商还在此基础上确定具体批发价格和返利比例以使自己利润最大化,从而使经销商与制造商共担供应链环节中的市场风险,并共同为优化整体供应链做出努力。

关键词: 时效性, 供应链, 激励相容, 弹性契约, 回购契约

Abstract: As the environment of buyers' market, product has more and more timeliness, and its life cycle is more and more short. In order to avoid risk, dealers often don't book their order at the actual predicted quantity. In this paper, considering the fact and the idea of existing quantity flexibility contract , in view of incentive compatibility theory and SCM theory, buyback contract method is introduced, then a optimization model of supply chain flexibility contract is put forward which can incent dealer and make up the deficiency of single flexibility contract. An example is given to test the hypothesis model. The results show that, through adjusting wholesale price and rebate proportion to guide dealer's order tendency, when dealer's most order quantity by the expected profit equal market average demand, dealers would estimate objectively future demand then report the manufacture accurately, on this basis, the manufacture still determine the wholesale price and rebate proportion to make its maximum profits. This method can drive that manufacturer and dealer share the market risk in the supply chain, and make great efforts to optimize their whole supply chain together.

Key words: timeliness, supply chain, incentive compatibility, flexibility contract, buyback contract
