
中国管理科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (8): 118-126.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2018.08.012

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邵腾伟1,2, 吕秀梅2   

  1. 1. 重庆工商大学长江上游经济研究中心, 重庆 400067;
    2. 重庆工商大学财政金融学院, 重庆 400067
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-04 修回日期:2017-07-16 出版日期:2018-08-20 发布日期:2018-10-22
  • 作者简介:邵腾伟(1974-),男(汉族),重庆垫江人,重庆工商大学,副教授,研究方向:国际大粮商、农业产业资本,E-mail:shaotw@126.com.
  • 基金资助:


To Implant Consumption Experience for E-commerce of Fresh Agricultural Products based on Consumer Sovereignty

SHAO Teng-wei1,2, LV Xiu-mei2   

  1. 1. Reseach Center for Economy of Upper Reaches of Yangtse River, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China;
    2. School of Finance, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China
  • Received:2016-12-04 Revised:2017-07-16 Online:2018-08-20 Published:2018-10-22

摘要: 针对消费者对国内生鲜农产品质量安全的"信任危机",本文构建了植入消费体验的生鲜电商C2B2B2C模型,让碎片化的消费者通过互联网就近聚合为社群化的食物社区,生产者通过合作社聚合为规模化生产基地,食物社区与生产基地借助电商平台进行产销对接、以销定产和消费体验。研究表明,在传统B2C模式下消费者只能依据供应商提供的信息进行Stackelberg博弈和有限消费体验,购买需求较少。当植入充分的消费体验后,生产者与消费者融合为prosumer,购买需求随消费者对生产者的信任度增加而增加。实证揭示,农耕生产、质量追溯、物流配送、网购操作、产品呈现和售后服务都会显著影响消费体验,电商平台要实现商业可持续性发展必须为消费者设置这些全面而丰富的体验场景。

关键词: 生鲜农产品电商, 消费体验, 消费者主权

Abstract: China's agricultural product quality is not bad, but the reliability of consumers is not high. The reason is that consumers are influenced by a series of vicious quality incidents in the past, and thus have cast doubt on the quality of domestic agricultural products. To improve consumer confidence,it is of great importance to deepen the structure reform from the agriculture supply side,adjust the product structure and enhance product quality.Furthermore,it is also necessary to implant full of consumption experience on the supply side of agricultural product to let consumers know the story behind the product, breeding base, harvest experience, logistics experience, quality trace-ability and supply chain visualization,in order to let consumer understand the actual situation of the quality and safety of agricultural products,to eliminate consumers' "insecurity" and "crisis of confidence" on agricultural products. Therefore, a C2B2B2C model is constructed, which is implanted consumption experience based on consumer sovereignty that fragmented consumers polymerize into a food community with social groups based on their geographical proximity through internet, fragmented producers polymerize into a large-scale production base through cooperatives and other organizations, food community and production base dock the production and sale through e-commerce platforms,e-commerce platforms set up adequate consumption experience for consumers on product quality and safety.
According to the whole industry chain of the production, supply and marketing of fresh agricultural products, the six major consumer experience scenes that consumers may be interested in are analyzed, which includes agricultural production, quality trace-ability, logistics distribution, online shopping operations, product presentation and after-sales service. It can be seen from theoretical study that the demand of online shopping will grow sustained since consumption experience can bring about some information from production and sale of fresh goods symmetric and thus can reduce transaction cost while producers and consumers merge into prosumer.On the other hand,consumers will play Stackelberg games with producers and buy less products if the consumer experience is deficient. It is revealed from empirical study that these six scenes are important scenes that affect the consumption experience significantly and e-commerce platforms should do good on these scenes.
Dynamic game model is analyzed in the theoretical study and Probit model is used in empirical study in this article.The data comes from 304 consumers of five cities who give out the consumption experience on online survey when they buy fresh agricultural products such as vegetables,fruit, meat,milk on e-commerce platform. A solution for the domestic consumer confidence on the quality of agricultural products for fresh agricultural products is provided in this article, reference value is provided in research results for the domestic development of trust to regain consumer confidence in the safety of fresh agricultural product quality and fresh agricultural products in China production and consumption of interaction between the two sides.

Key words: e-commerce of fresh agricultural products, consumption experience, consumer sovereignty
