
中国管理科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (10): 102-112.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2018.10.010

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黄帝1,2, 周泓3   

  1. 1. 北京交通大学经济管理学院, 北京 100044;
    2. 北京交通大学物流管理与技术北京市重点实验室, 北京 100044;
    3. 北京航空航天大学经济管理学院, 北京 100191
  • 收稿日期:2016-07-08 修回日期:2017-12-25 出版日期:2018-10-20 发布日期:2018-12-25
  • 通讯作者: 黄帝(1984-),男(汉族),河南南阳人,北京交通大学经济管理学院副教授,研究方向:低碳供应链运作管理,E-mail:huangd@bjtu.edu.cn. E-mail:huangd@bjtu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:


Optimal Acquisition and Production Decisions of a Remanufacturing System with Multiple Types of Cores

HUANG Di1,2, ZHOU Hong3   

  1. 1. School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;
    2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Logistics Management and Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;
    3. School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2016-07-08 Revised:2017-12-25 Online:2018-10-20 Published:2018-12-25

摘要: 废旧产品的回收再制造过程往往在回收质量、再制造成本、再制造产出率、再制造产品需求等方面存在不确定性因素,极大地增加了再制造生产管理决策的复杂性。本文在一个回收再制造系统中研究了存在多种回收质量等级时的两阶段回收—再制造联合优化决策问题,并扩展到需求与价格相关和再制造产出率随机两种情形。在最大化再制造商期望利润的决策目标下,基于每种回收质量等级的单位回收和再制造成本构造出再制造系统的有效生产前沿面,给出了不同决策情形下再制造商的最优回收数量、销售定价的解析解,并且分析了一些主要的参数对再制造商最优决策的影响。本文的研究结果表明:(1)含有多种回收质量等级的再制造系统中存在一个下凸的有效生产前沿面,不在该前沿面上的任何质量等级的回收产品都将不会被用于再制造;(2)在同等的政府补贴额度下,回收补贴方式对再制造商决策的影响程度大于再制造补贴方式;(3)当再制造品的市场需求与价格相关时,最优销售价格至少大于第一种被使用的回收质量等级的边际回收和再制造成本;(4)任意两种回收质量等级之间存在着替代或互补效应,由其成本差异决定,并且这种效应随着需求不确定性的增大而增大;(5)再制造产出率的不确定性和再制造品需求的不确定性之间存在"对冲"效应,这种效应随着再制造产出率不确定性的降低而减弱。本文的研究可为不确定性环境下再制造企业的回收、生产管理决策提供有益的管理启示。

关键词: 多种回收质量等级, 产品回收, 再制造, 定价, 随机产出

Abstract: There are many uncertainty factors in core acquisition and remanufacturing such as the quality and remanufacturing cost of cores, yield of the remanufacturing process, market demand for the remanufactured products and so on.As a result, the decision-making in production and core acquisition in a remanufacturing system becomes very challenging. A two-stage dynamic model is employed to study the optimal acquisition and production decisions of a remanufacturing system with multiple types of cores under demand uncertainty. This model is then extended to cases with a price-sensitive demand and/or random remanufacturing yield. With the objective of maximizing the expected profit of the remanufacturer, an efficient production frontier with respect to the unit acquisition and remanufacturing cost of each type of cores is first characterized. Based on the backward induction method, the optimal decisions of core acquisition and production are then derived for each case.Numerical experiments are conducted to investigate the impacts of government subsidy, demand uncertainty, price sensitivity of demandand remanufacturing yield variation on the remanufacturer's optimal acquisition, production and pricing decisions. Our theoretical and numerical results show that:(1) there exists a convex and downward sloping efficient production frontier in the remanufacturing system so that any type of cores that is not lying on the frontier will never be used; (2) for the same amount of subsidies, core acquisition subsidy is more efficient than remanufacturing subsidy; (3) for the price-sensitive demand, the optimal price is larger than the sum of the unit acquisition and remanufacturing cost of the first used type of cores; (4) there exists a substitution or complementary effect between any two types of cores, depending on the differences in their unit acquisition and remanufacturing cost; and(5) there exists an hedging effect between demand uncertainty and remanufacturing yield variation, which is decreasing in the degree of demand uncertainty. Our research provides useful managerial insights for remanufacturing firms to make core acquisition and production decisions under uncertain environments.

Key words: multiple types of cores, product acquisition, remanufacturing, pricing, random yield
