
中国管理科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 77-86.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.1111

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周正龙, 简昕格   

  1. 华中师范大学信息管理学院,湖北 武汉430079
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-10 修回日期:2021-01-16 出版日期:2022-06-20 发布日期:2022-06-24
  • 通讯作者: 简昕格(1998-),女(汉族),河南南阳人,华中师范大学信息管理学院,本科,研究方向:电子商务与运营管理,Email:920459803@qq.com. E-mail:920459803@qq.com
  • 基金资助:
    中国博士后科学基金资助面上项目(2019M65 2682);湖北省博士后科技活动项目择优资助(2018Z37);中央高校青年教师项目(CCNU20QN016);中央高校青年团队资助项目(CCNU20TD004)

Marketing Strategy of Embedding Professional Technology for Retailers

ZHOU Zheng-long, JIAN Xin-ge   

  1. School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
  • Received:2020-06-10 Revised:2021-01-16 Online:2022-06-20 Published:2022-06-24
  • Contact: 简昕格 E-mail:920459803@qq.com

摘要: 考虑零售商和技术提供商的二元结构,本文构建理论模型分析零售商嵌入专业技术的营销策略选择问题,并探讨技术嵌入以及技术营销策略对决策结果的影响。研究发现,技术提供商作为博弈的领导者在获取边际利润方面具有优势且相对稳定;并且对技术提供商而言,让零售商进行技术营销的策略是最优的。然而,对于零售商而言,不同技术营销渠道下的利润大小会受到技术产出、技术营销、以及营销努力博弈的影响,因此零售商的策略选择较为复杂。在一定的条件下,零售商可以嵌入产出贡献度较大的专业技术,并优先选择自己进行技术营销以增加技术营销贡献度。这一策略有利于零售商快速实现利润最大化,并与技术提供商实现双赢。

关键词: 零售商;技术产出;技术营销;策略选择

Abstract: In the context of the continuous development of the retailing market, many retail enterprises take the initiative to seek the help of technology providers to build an all-channel and all-connected retail format. At the same time, the technology providers also give professional technology solutions and professional technology services for retail enterprises. However, in the process of embedding professional technology into retailers, how retailers choose to make the most profits is an important scientific issue worth studying. In view of this, based on the hypothesis of Stackelberg game model, a theoretical model is constructed to analyze the retailers’ choice of marketing strategy for embedding professional technology, and the influence of technology embedding strategy and technology marketing strategy on decision-making results is discussed. It is found that, as the leader of Stackelberg game, technology providers have advantages and are relatively stable in obtaining marginal profits; and for technology providers, the strategy of allowing retailers to give the technology marketing is the best. However, for retailers, the profits of different technical marketing channels will be affected by the technology output, technology marketing, and marketing effort game, so the retailers’ strategic choice is more complicated. Under certain conditions, retailers can embed professional technology with a large output contribution, and give priority to their own technology marketing to increase their technology marketing contribution. This strategy helps retailers to maximize profits quickly and achieve a win-win situation with technology providers.

Key words: retailer; technology output; technology marketing; strategic choice
