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  1. 1. 北京科技大学
    2. 北京科技大学 经济管理学院
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-30 修回日期:2022-08-10 发布日期:2022-08-29
  • 通讯作者: 王未卿

A novel model of MIDAS-SVQR for measuring VaR of supply chain finance pledge

  • Received:2022-03-30 Revised:2022-08-10 Published:2022-08-29

摘要: 存货质押作为供应链金融典型融资方式,质押物价值波动是供应链金融面临的主要风险之一,因此如何测度质押物价格波动风险是学界和业界关注的焦点。VaR作为Basel协议主推的风险度量工具,已被学界和业界广泛使用。然而,关于VaR测度的现有方法存在:1)收益分布误设、2)非线性关系刻画不准确和3)混频数据信息提取不充分等潜在挑战,因此,本文提出了一种测度供应链金融质押物VaR的新方法:MIDAS-SVQR。一方面,该方法基于分位数框架下利用核函数捕获非线性关系以直接输出分位数,而无需分布假设;同时,利用MIDAS处理混频数据,增加其利用混频数据信息的能力。此外,本文基于二次规划详细给出了MIDAS-SVQR的求解过程。最后,本文选取钢铁、铜等六种典型质押物为研究对象,选择GARCH类和QR类等模型作为基准模型,并基于Kupiec检验等三种回测方法来评价模型准确性,结果表明:MIDAS-SVQR在所有样本的三种回测检验下表现最优;此外,分位数回归类模型总体表现明显优于GARCH类模型。因此,本文提出的MIDAS-SVQR新方法既有效度量了供应链金融质押物的风险价值,也为供应链金融风险管理提供了新技术支持。

关键词: 供应链金融, 质押物, VaR, MIDAS-SVQR, 混频数据, 支持向量分位数回归

Abstract: Pledged inventory is one of the typical financing modes of supply chain finance (SCF), and the fluctuation of pledge value is the main risk faced by SCF. Therefore, how to measure the risk of pledge price fluctuation is the focus of academic and industry circles. As a risk measurement tool mainly promoted by the Basel accord, Value at Risk (VaR) is widely used in academia and industry for risk measurement. However, existing methods of VaR measurement suffer from 1) error in distribution assumptions, 2) inaccurate characterization of nonlinear relationships and 3) potential challenges for the utilization of mixed-frequency data. Thus, this paper proposes a new method to measure the VaR of SCF pledge: MIDAS-SVQR. This model uses kernel functions to deal with nonlinear relationships and directly outputs quantiles without distribution assumptions; meanwhile, it uses MIDAS to process the mixed frequency data to increase the ability of the model to extract the information of the mixed data. In addition, this paper presents the solution process of MIDAS-SVQR in detail based on the standard quadratic programming technique. This paper selects six typical pledges such as copper and aluminum as the research objects. Five different GARCH models and three quantile regression models are selected as the benchmark models. Three back-tests such as the Kupiec test are used to evaluate the accuracy of the model. The empirical results show that MIDAS -SVQR has the highest average P value of all three back-tests in all samples, and it is found that the quantile regression models generally perform significantly better than the GARCH models. Finally, the MIDAS-SVQR proposed in this paper can effectively measure the VaR of SCF pledge and provide new technology support for SCF’s risk management.

Key words: supply chain finance, pledged property, Value at Risk, MIDAS-SVQR, mixed-frequency data, support vector quantile regression

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