
中国管理科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 89-100.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.0794

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韩梦圆, 冯良清, 张蕾   

  1. 南昌航空大学经济管理学院,江西 南昌330063
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-04 修回日期:2020-09-12 出版日期:2023-04-20 发布日期:2023-05-06
  • 通讯作者: 冯良清(1976-),男(汉族),江西宁都人,南昌航空大学经济管理学院,教授,博士,江西省“井冈学者”特聘教授,研究方向:质量管理、物流与供应链管理,Email:lfeng@nchu.edu.cn. E-mail:lfeng@nchu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

The Impact of Triple Competition in the Green Supply Chain on the Issuance of Substitutable Products

HAN Meng-yuan, FENG Liang-qing, ZHANG Lei   

  1. School of Economics and Management, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China
  • Received:2020-05-04 Revised:2020-09-12 Online:2023-04-20 Published:2023-05-06
  • Contact: 冯良清 E-mail:lfeng@nchu.edu.cn

摘要: 针对由一个制造商和一个零售商构成的绿色供应链系统,在零售价格、质量和服务竞争同时作用下,考虑制造商同时生产互为替代的绿色产品和传统产品情形。基于博弈理论构建利润最大化的质量-定价-服务决策模型,应用逆向归纳法求解绿色供应链在集中决策、Nash博弈决策和制造商主导的Stackelberg博弈决策三种模式下的博弈均衡,分别分析三重竞争因素的竞争程度对供应链系统的各个决策均衡解的影响。研究发现,存在可替代产品的情况下,产品质量、服务竞争越激烈,均衡价格越低,而价格竞争的增强不一定会提高绿色产品的质量,却一定会提升服务水平。此外,和单因素影响相比,三重竞争因素下的供应链利润变化趋势更复杂。最后,利用算例验证并分析竞争程度的影响,为制造商、零售商发行可替代绿色产品决策提供依据。

关键词: 绿色供应链;可替代产品;三重竞争;博弈论

Abstract: With the rapid development of green economy, more and more supply chain companies have begun to expand their original production lines to develop more environmentally friendly substitutable products. In the supply chain, price, low-carbon quality level, and service effort of products are the key factors that affect consumers' purchasing decision, as well as the key factors that affect corporate profits. Recently, there are many literatures which focus on competition in the green supply chain. However, the influence of the triple competitive factors (quality, price and service) for substitutable products in a green supply chain has not yet been investigated in the literature. In fact, the relevant decisions of traditional products will affect the company's decisions on substitutable products. Therefore, the impact of the triple competitive factors (quality, price and service) among substitutable products on green supply chain decisions is investigated, and the optimal retail price, quality and service of newly launched green products are determined in different scenarios. Based on game theory, a quality-pricing-service decision model with manufacturers and retailers is built to maximize profits. The reverse induction method is used to solve the game equilibrium problem of the green supply chain in three modes: (1) centralized decision-making scenario; (2) Nash game decision-making scenario; (3) Manufacturer-led Stackelberg game decision-making scenario. Through theoretical analysis and numerical experiment comparison, the influence of the degree of triple competition on the balance decision of supply chain system is analyzed. It is found that in the case of substitutable products, the more intense the competition for product quality and service, the lower the equilibrium price. Increased price competition does not always improve the quality of green products, but it can improve service levels. And from the simulation results, it can be seen that the supply chain profit under the influence of multiple factors is more complicated than that of a single factor. These conclusions expand the scope of application of the conclusions that “the degree of competition of non-price factors affects product prices” and “the degree of competition of prices affects decision-making on non-price factors”, and at the same time provide a basis for supply chain members to make decisions.

Key words: green supply chain; substitutable products; triple competition; game theory
