
中国管理科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 151-160.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.1298

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李德昌, 杨华龙, 宋巍, 郑建风   

  1. 大连海事大学交通运输工程学院,辽宁 大连116026
  • 收稿日期:2020-07-08 修回日期:2020-12-10 出版日期:2023-04-20 发布日期:2023-05-06
  • 通讯作者: 杨华龙(1964-),男(汉族),辽宁大连人,大连海事大学交通运输工程学院,教授,博士,博士生导师,研究方向:集装箱班轮运输、物流与供应链管理,Email: hlyang@dlmu.edu.cn. E-mail:hlyang@dlmu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Freight Revenue Robust Optimization for Container Liner Shipping Considering Vessel Sailing Speed Deviation

LI De-chang, YANG Hua-long, SONG Wei, ZHENG Jian-feng   

  1. Transportation Engineering College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China
  • Received:2020-07-08 Revised:2020-12-10 Online:2023-04-20 Published:2023-05-06
  • Contact: 杨华龙 E-mail:hlyang@dlmu.edu.cn

摘要: 由于受到天气、海况及航路环境等不确定因素的影响,船舶实际航速常常与计划航速产生偏差,导致班轮运输的航次加油和货物装运策略也产生变化,进而对船舶燃油成本和运费收入产生影响。因此,考虑速度偏差的集装箱班轮运输收益优化研究具有重要的现实意义。为了保证速度偏差不确定性下的各航段船舶航行用油安全,以船舶到达下一挂靠港的船期时间窗为约束,推导得出速度偏差最大情况下的船舶航段最大燃油消耗量显性函数,结合各加油港燃油价格及折扣差异,以及集装箱货物各O-D流量及运费率差异,以班轮运输航次收益鲁棒优化为目标,构建了速度偏差下的集装箱班轮运输收益混合整数非线性规划模型,设计分段线性割线逼近算法进行模型求解。以中国远洋海运集团有限公司的MEX航线数据为实际算例进行了分析验证,结果显示:考虑速度偏差的班轮运输加油和货物装运全局鲁棒优化策略能够有效地提高班轮运输航次货运收益;随着船舶燃油消耗系数和各航段速度偏差极值的增加,班轮运输航次燃油消耗量也随之增加,而航次运费收入和货运收益都将随之减少。研究结论可为船公司制定速度偏差下的集装箱班轮运输决策提供有益的参考。

关键词: 集装箱班轮运输;速度偏差;货运收益;鲁棒优化;混合整数非线性规划模型

Abstract: Container liner shipping is an important backbone for international trade marine transportation of industry products and general consumer goods. It has the characteristics of numerous and scattered customers, many kinds of high value goods with frequent transportation and strong timeliness. In order to meet customers' transportation service requirements, shipping companies need to provide round-trip liner shipping services. They usually employ a certain number of containerships on the designed shipping route to visit each port of call punctually on a weekly basis. Due to the susceptibility to various uncertain factors such as bad weather, bad sea conditions and harsh route environment, the actual sailing speed of the containership in each leg often deviates from the planned one. This will not only change the fuel consumption of the containership in each leg, but also affect the voyage fuel cost and freight revenue. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the revenue optimization of container liner shipping considering the sailing speed deviation.

Key words: container liner shipping; sailing speed deviation; freight revenue; robust optimization; mixed integer non-linear programing model
