
中国管理科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 228-238.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.0416

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杜志平, 区钰贤   

  1. 北京物资学院物流学院,北京101149
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-14 修回日期:2020-12-16 出版日期:2023-04-20 发布日期:2023-05-06
  • 通讯作者: 杜志平(1963-),男(汉族),江苏扬州人,北京物资学院物流学院,教授,硕士生导师,博士,研究方向为:物流供应链管理、跨境物流,Email:1762946379@qq.com. E-mail:1762946379@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Research on Information Cooperation Mechanism of Cross Border E-commerce Logistics Alliance Based on Tripartite Evolutionary Game

DU Zhi-ping, OU Yu-xian   

  1. School of Logistics, Beijing Wuzi University, Beijing 101149, China
  • Received:2020-03-14 Revised:2020-12-16 Online:2023-04-20 Published:2023-05-06
  • Contact: 杜志平 E-mail:1762946379@qq.com

摘要: 跨境物流联盟涉及不同国家和地区的企业主体,信息协同成为改善其运作绩效的关键。本文提出了基于信息协同的跨境物流联盟模式,以促进跨境信息系统有效整合、电子单证的无缝对接、信息实时共享等;构建了跨境电商平台、境内物流企业和境外物流企业之间信息协同的三方演化博弈模型,并对三方信息协同策略进行动态仿真分析。结果表明:(1)当信息协同标准化水平高于0.47时,能更好促进跨境物流联盟成员选择信息协同策略;(2)与其他影响因素相比,联盟成员信息协同策略受信息协同风险的影响更大;(3)当各企业信息协同风险和投入力度差异较小时,平均化的收益分配更能促进联盟成员选择信息协同策略,若跨境电商平台收益分配系数高于0.7,会遭到联盟成员的抵制,信息协同难以实施;(4)与其他联盟成员相比,境内物流企业对信息协同4个影响因素的敏感程度更大。

关键词: 三方演化博弈;跨境物流联盟;信息协同;复制动态方程

Abstract: Through the actual investigation, it is found that the cross-border e-commerce logistics alliance has the following problems in the operation: First, the language of China’s information system is mainly Chinese, and it is inconsistent with the conversion format, data table processing, concept and other standards of foreign information systems. Second, due to cross-border and cross-regional restrictions, it is difficult to integrate information resources between alliance enterprises, which led to the phenomenon of “information islands”, and it is difficult to track international logistics information in real time. A cross-border e-commerce logistics alliance model is proposed based on information collaboration to promote the effective integration of cross-border information systems, the seamless connection of cross-border electronic documents, and the real-time transmission and sharing of cross-border information. Then the evolutionary game theory is used to analyze the dynamic game process between cross-border e-commerce platforms, domestic logistics company and foreign logistics company, and a tripartite evolutionary game model based on information collaboration is constructed. Based on the investigation of enterprises and experts, system dynamic is used to simulate and analyze the dynamic game process of the three-party information coordination selection. The results show that: (1)Only when the information collaboration standardization level is higher than 0.47, can we promote cross-border logistics alliance members to choose information collaboration strategies. (2) Compared with other factors, the three parties of the alliance are the most sensitive to the impact of information collaboration risk, and the convergence speed of strategy selection is the fastest. (3) Equalized income distribution can further promote the choice of alliance members’ information coordination strategies. If the income distribution coefficient of the cross-border e-commerce platform is higher than 0.7, information coordination will be difficult to implement. (4) Compared with other alliance members, domestic logistics companies are more sensitive to the four influencing factors of information synergy.

Key words: tripartite evolutionary game; cross-border logistics alliance; information cooperation; duplicative dynamic equation
