
中国管理科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (9): 196-204.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.1799cstr: 32146.14.j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.1799

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王小胜1(), 安笑洁2, 郭海英1   

  1. 1.河北工程大学数理科学与工程学院,河北 邯郸 056038
    2.北京化工大学管理科学与工程学院,北京 100029
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-17 修回日期:2021-01-25 出版日期:2023-09-15 发布日期:2023-09-19
  • 通讯作者: 王小胜 E-mail:xswang@hebeu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of Investment Risk of Benefit-sharing Water Saving Management Contract Project

Xiao-sheng WANG1(), Xiao-jie AN2, Hai-ying GUO1   

  1. 1.School of Mathematics and Physics,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan 056038,China
    2.School of Economics and Management,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China
  • Received:2020-09-17 Revised:2021-01-25 Online:2023-09-15 Published:2023-09-19
  • Contact: Xiao-sheng WANG E-mail:xswang@hebeu.edu.cn



关键词: 合同节水管理, 风险评估, 合同期


Water Saving Management Contract (WSMC) is an innovative water-saving investment model, and Water Service Company (WSCO) as the major player bears a relatively high investment risk. In this regard, the investment risk of benefit-sharing WSMC project is analyzed from WSCO's perspective. Firstly, the net present value (NPV) is used to assess the economic value of the project. The geometric Brownian motion is used to deal with the uncertainty of water-saving benefits and investment over the lifetime, considering the fluctuation of the maintenance cost, water-saving, and water price. On this basis, the water-saving investment and benefits of water users and WSCO are simulated separately by combining contract parameters including contract period and benefit allocation proportion, and the probability that the NPV of WSCO is less than zero is set as an evaluation index to establish the investment risk assessment model. Subsequently, contract period decision models are constructed through benefit-risk equilibrium, with the objectives of maximizing water-saving benefits for water users and minimizing project investment risk, respectively, and the optimal contract periods under these two scenarios are determined. Finally, the applicability of the risk assessment model is verified with an actual pilot project, and the results shows that the project investment risk is 53.63%; Compared with the 6-year contract period without considering the benefit-risk equilibrium, the optimal contract periods for the two scenarios are 7 and 10 years after optimization, and the investment risk is reduced by 10.65% and 24.73%, correspondingly; Further, the results of the sensitivity analysis indicate that the expected annual water savings have a significant impact on the investment risk. Some information can be provided for WSCO to make investment decisions and design the contract period of WSMC project.

Key words: water saving management contract, risk assessment, contract period
