
中国管理科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (10): 153-161.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2020.2019

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  1. 东北大学工商管理学院,辽宁 沈阳 110819
  • 收稿日期:2020-10-26 修回日期:2021-02-14 出版日期:2023-10-15 发布日期:2023-10-20
  • 作者简介:卢震(1972-),男(汉族),湖北黄陂人,东北大学工商管理学院,副教授,博士,研究方向:运作管理,E-mial:zlu@mail.neu.edu.cn.
  • 基金资助:

Incentive Strategy of Third-party Warranty Provider for Quality Information of Second-hand Electronic Products

Zhen LU(),Wei-na ZHANG   

  1. School of Business Administration,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110819,China
  • Received:2020-10-26 Revised:2021-02-14 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-20


二手电子产品市场中产品的质量信息在零售商与消费者之间、零售商与第三方保修商(the third warranty provider-3WP)之间均存在着严重的不对称现象,且由于消费者个体决策的分散性,很难以其为激励主体进行有效激励策略的设计。针对这一问题,在分析二手电子产品质量信息的真实性与准确性对第三方保修商收益影响的基础上,考虑零售商拥有产品检测质量及检查努力的私有信息下,以3WP为激励主体,结合利润分享契约机制,构建3WP与零售商之间的委托-代理模型,以激励零售商披露产品质量的真实信息。研究发现,3WP通过适当设定分享计划中的激励参数,可以对零售商产品质量信息的真实披露起到有效激励作用,从而促进二手电子产品市场的健康发展。最后用数值算例验证了理论结论。

关键词: 二手电子产品, 质量信息, 第三方保修商, 逆向选择, 道德风险


With the rapid development of science and technology and economy, as well as the increasing demand for sustainable development and green environmental protection, the second-hand electronics market is growing rapidly. There is a serious asymmetry of product quality information between retailers and consumers, between retailers and the third-party warranty provider (3WP) in the second-hand electronics market. Accurate second-hand product quality information is difficult to obtain, and the high risk costs faced by consumers has seriously restricted the rapid and healthy development of the second-hand electronics market. Due to the decentralization of individual consumer decision-making, it is difficult to design an effective incentive strategy for the incentive subject, so as to urge retailers to provide real and accurate product quality information.In response to this problem, due to the advantages of 3WP such as high professionalism and better stability, 3WP is taken as the incentive subject. Based on the analysis of the impact of the authenticity and accuracy of the quality information of second-hand electronic products on the revenue of the 3WP, combined with the profit sharing contract mechanism, a principal-agent model considering moral hazard and adverse selection between 3WP and retailer is constructed, in view of the situation that retailers hide their quality inspection efforts and quality inspection information. The maximum principle is used to solve the problem, the optimal profit sharing contract is obtained, and an effective incentive strategy is designed to encourage retailers to disclose the real information of product quality.Through model analysis and example analysis of the problem, it is found that: (1) 3WP has homogenous with consumers for the authenticity and accuracy of the quality information of second-hand electronics disclosed by retailers. 3WP, as an incentive subject, can facilitate the design of second-hand electronic product quality information incentive strategies; (2) 3WP can encourage retailers to provide real and accurate quality information of second-hand electronic products by designing continuous contracts with fixed payment and profit sharing ratio;(3) The profit of 3WP and retailers decreases as the quality of second-hand electronic products decreases. Therefore, both 3WP and retailers prefer higher-quality second-hand electronic products;(4) Under the continuous incentive mechanism, 3WP can select retailers with lower marginal cost of quality testing to participate in cooperation by adjusting the design of incentive contracts, thereby achieving the effect of further promoting the healthy development of the second-hand electronics market. (5) The 3WP proposed in this paper has an incentive mechanism for the quality information of second-hand electronic products. For a certain scope of application, when the quality and price sensitivity coefficient of second-hand electronic products exceeds a certain threshold, the above-mentioned incentive mechanism will lose its effect. In response to this situation, it is necessary to seek new incentive mechanisms to achieve effective incentives for retailers.Numerical analysis based on the parameters that fit the actual conditions verifies that 3WP can provide effective incentives for the retailer’s true disclosure of product quality information by appropriately setting the incentive parameters in the sharing plan. It can enhance consumer confidence in the second-hand market and promote the healthy development of the second-hand market.

Key words: second-hand electronic products, quality information, third-party warranty providers, adverse selection, moral hazard
