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  1. 中央财经大学
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-21 修回日期:2024-06-19 发布日期:2024-06-21
  • 通讯作者: 李玉龙

Research on Optimization of Tunnel Spoil Comprehensive Utilization of Mega Project Based on ESG Framework

  • Received:2023-12-21 Revised:2024-06-19 Published:2024-06-21

摘要: 在可持续发展已然成为现代化建设重大战略之一的背景下,遵守ESG原则成为工程项目成功的重要条件之一。隧道洞渣等工程废弃物利用具有显著的社会、环境和项目治理效益,契合ESG理念。本文在系统梳理了废弃物利用对工程项目ESG目标的作用及其内在机理,提出了一种面向ESG的隧道洞渣利用方式组合优化框架。该框架建立了“洞渣利用方式组合-环境社会目标-项目治理目标”之间的关联映射关系,将重大工程隧道洞渣的利用方式组合优化问题转化为对环境社会目标、项目治理目标以及经济成本之间的多目标优化问题。基于构建的多目标优化模型,提出了一种改进的自适应NSGA-II算法求解隧道洞渣利用方式组合优化问题,为重大工程项目的废弃物利用决策提供了参考。最后,本文以某重大工程项目的隧道洞渣利用为依据,构建模拟数据作为算例,检验了优化模型及算法的可行性和有效性。

关键词: 重大工程, 隧道洞渣, 废弃物利用, ESG, 多目标优化, 改进的自适应NSGA-II算法

Abstract: Under the background that sustainable development has become one of the major strategies of modernization, abiding by ESG principles has become one of the important conditions for the success of mega projects. The waste utilization of mega projects has significant social, environmental and project governance benefits, which is in line with ESG concept. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to explore the role of tunnel spoil utilization on ESG objectives of mega projects. Tunnel spoil has the characteristics of large quantity and various types, while the utilization of tunnel spoil has the characteristics of diversification and wide impact, which leads to the complexity of decision-making on the combination of spoil utilization approaches. How to explore the combination with the highest ESG contribution from numerous tunnel spoil utilization combinations is the research question to be addressed in this research. There are many constraints in the optimization of tunnel spoil utilization combination, and there are multiple objectives in ESG and economic aspects, leading to a multi-objective optimization problem. Therefore, multi-objective optimization methods are adopted in this research. After systematically sorting out the role of waste utilization on ESG objectives of mega projects and its internal mechanism, an ESG-oriented optimization framework of tunnel spoil utilization combination is proposed. The framework establishes a mapping relationship between the "combination of tunnel slag utilization methods - environmental and social objectives - project governance objectives", and transforms the optimization problem of tunnel spoil utilization combinations into a multi-objective optimization problem between the environmental and social objectives, project governance objectives and economic costs. Based on the developed multi-objective optimization model, an optimization method – improved adaptive NSGA-II (I-A-NSGA-II) is proposed by introducing fast non-dominated ordering, elite strategies, adaptive crossover and mutation and improving congestion distance computation. I-A-NSGA-II provides a reference for the decision-making of spoil utilization in mega projects. This paper takes the utilization of tunnel spoil of a mega project as a reference, and constructs simulation data as an arithmetic example to test the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. This paper defines the connotation of ESG in spoil utilization of engineering projects and expands the application scenarios of ESG theory. Meanwhile, this paper leads the research focus of tunnel spoil utilization from the evaluation of a single method or the comparison of multiple methods to the optimization of the combination of multiple methods, which enriches the decision-making research of spoil utilization in mega projects.

Key words: mega project, tunnel spoil, waste utilization, ESG, multi-objective optimization, improved adaptive NSGA-II