When a bank as forerunners joined a project, subsequent another bank as followers will comprehensively take the forerunner bank credit risk and the business project risk into consideration, and make investment decisions by the overall risk of investment projects. This is the evaluation question of business project overall risks based on follower banks. Because one bank is just familiar with the projects in some fields, some areas, some countries, which requirs follower banks need use the forerunner banks credit risk to infer the overall risk of business projects. According to the assumption that forerunner bank credit risk and project risk can reflect total project risk, the evaluation model of business project overall risks is established based on follower banks. The copula function is used to determine function relations of forerunner banks credit risk RF and project risk RP, total risk RT is obtained, to solve measurement problem of business project overall risks at last. The result reveals that under 95% confidence levels, as far as follower banks are concerned, no matter sample numbers, important degree of forerunner bank credit risk RF and project risk RP is: W1=0.428, W2=0.572. This research has the great guide meaning not only for the follower banks of the later investment, but also for all inter-bank cooperation.
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