There are three kinds of typical inventory financing modes: Inventory financing with delegated supervision, financing by logistic bank, unified credit financing. These financing modes are modelled with an EOQ model.In this paper, the financing modes are firstly studied and profits of supply chain members are analyzed. Then, the conditions that the manufacturers and third party logistics are willing to participate in the inventory financing are provided. By comparing profits in these models, influence of financing modes and how to choose financing mode are illustrated. The main research results show that, in some specific regions of pledge ratio and financing interest, the 3PL and the manufacturers all are willing to participate in inventory financing. Since the bank's daily operation cost in the unified credit mode is lower than that in the traditional mode, the bank can benefit from inventory financing. The bank prefers more the unified credit mode in the choice of the financing mode. To the 3PL, if the return rate of the 3PL in the unified credit mode is greater than the bank interest rate, he can gain more benefit in the unified credit mode. These research results provide some managerial insight to the decision of business mode choice of inventory financing.
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