医患冲突问题成为当前社会热点问题之一。医患群体性事件当事者的社会网络结构呈现出越级上访、参与者个体的异质性、存在转移支付和动态递减的连接成本等复杂特征。在经典的社会网络JW模型上考虑上述社会网络特征,构建了修正的RJW(Revised Jackson-Wolinsky Model)社会网络模型。运用穷举搜索法,研究了医患冲突社会网络结构的稳定性和效率。结合南平医闹事件的案例分析,研究结果表明,当直接连接成本和连接收益较低时,星形社会网络稳定且高效;随着连接收益的上升,同时满足稳定性和有效的社会网络结构呈现出多种间接连接形态。该社会网络连接模型揭示了突发事件应急管理中“越位”、“越权”现象的产生条件:其关键因素是连接收益和连接成本的权衡。
Hospital-patient conflicts become one of social hot problems. In the latency, breakout and emergency disposal stages of social emergency, the social network structure of the parties group shows the complex characters, such as leapfrog petition, individual (i.e. node) heterogeneity, transfer payment and decreasing connecting cost. Considering the practical characters of social network in hospital-patient conflicts, the Revised Jackson-Wolinsky social network model is built in this papaper. Exhaustive search method is applied to analyze the stability and efficiency. The case of Nanping "medical trouble" event is analyzed. The results show that star network structure is stable and efficient, when the direct connecting cost and benefit are lower. Along with the connecting benefit rising, there are various forms of social networks contented with stability and efficiency simultaneously. This social network connecting model has revealed the conditions for the phenomenon of "management offside" in social emergency management, where the key factors are to trade-off between the connecting cost and benefit.
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