

  • 1. 广西民族大学商学院, 广西 南宁 530006;
    2. 华中师范大学计算机学院, 湖北 武汉 430079

收稿日期: 2015-06-24

  修回日期: 2015-12-18

  网络出版日期: 2017-06-29



Congestion Control of Express Delivery Network Based on Connection Cost

  • 1. College of Business, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning 530006, China;
    2. School of Computer, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China

Received date: 2015-06-24

  Revised date: 2015-12-18

  Online published: 2017-06-29




杨从平, 郑世珏, 党永杰, 杨青 . 基于连接成本的快递网络拥塞控制[J]. 中国管理科学, 2017 , 25(4) : 143 -151 . DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.04.017


By adopting graph theory,congestion control of express network is studied in this paper. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the network traffic flow and the study on the effect of the structure of express network on the network transmission capability, balancing the relationship between the network transmission capability and the connection cost. First of all, the concept of betweenness is introduced. Considering the relationship between the betweenness and cargo flow, the betweenness definition is modified, and the calculation method of betweenness is designed. Next, according to the betweenness calculation formula, the relationship of express network transmission capacity, node betweenness and node capacity are derived. Then, by taking the minimum connection cost as the optimization goal, an optimization model of express delivery network with the constraint of expect transmission capacity is constructed, and an algorithm is designed to seek the network with the optimal structure by gradually adding edge, reconnecting edge and deleting edge. Finally, the example of the backbone network of an express delivery company in Guangxi province is taken to verify the effectiveness of the model and algorithm. The result of simulation indicates that the algorithm can effectively find out the optimal delivery network. Through the research, it is found that processing power and betweenness of the bottleneck node decision network transmission capacity, and there is a contradiction between network transmission capacity and connection cost.


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