The trend of consumers' low-carbon consumption and the promulgation and implementation of the government carbon emission policies compel the company to inspect carbon emission of their own production and operations. The effects of government price subsidy, one-time subsidy and carbon tax on the decision-making of low-carbon supply chain under the single and dual sale modes are studied in this paper. A low-carbon supply chain centralized decision-making model with one producer and one retailer is built. On the basis of base model and decision models of three policies, the impacts of each policy on pricing and supply chain profit are explored analytically. The results show that given the same emission reduction degree, the product price subsidy under dual sale mode is greater than that of single sale mode. From the perspective of government, for single sale mode, the company should choose one-time subsidy policy to achieve the same emission reduction effect, while dual sale mode should implement the price subsidy policy. Carbon tax can improve emission reduction boundary to promote much more companies to reduce emission. Emission reduction boundary of single sale model is still higher than that of dual sale mode. Government should make a reasonable carbon tax, otherwise the company will not be willing to reduce emission or withdraw from the market. Additionally, the effects of emission reduction on pricing and supply chain profit as well as the influence of three policies' parameters on supply chain profit have been simulated, and some managerial implications have been revealed. The conclusions of this paper can provide theoretical foundation for the government to formulate low-carbon policy.
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