The effective protection of emergency materials after large-scale earthquake is the necessary prerequisite for emergency rescue. There are two stages of transporting and distributing the emergency materials after post-earthquake, it shall be transported from the regional reserve warehouse and the peripheral materials to the regional emergency distribution center, then the regional emergency distribution center will convey the material to the disaster area. Emergency material security has shortage of long duration, strong demand and the relative materials lacking. The key problem to be solved urgently is how to balance the timeliness and fairness in emergency materials distribution with multi-period in the two-stage and multi-transportation modes in joint participation.The paper establishes an optimization model of emergency location and material distribution route considering multi-transportation modes and multi-period and designs a model with elite strategy. The effectiveness of the model and the algorithm is validated with the example of the earthquake in Jiuzhaigou area in Sichuan province. It can be proved that the effectiveness and fairness of the disaster relief process are contradictory. According to the reference graph of Pareto front, the time-sensitive target fluctuation of the relief materials is small, and the fair target of the distribution material is more volatile. when the goal of fairness is larger, the target of timeliness increases slightly, while the objective of fairness is greatly reduced. The objective function model with random parameters such as road safety factor, vehicle safety performance and transportation time is the direction of the future research.
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