Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2): 115-121.
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LIANG Chang-yong, LU Qing, YANG Shan-lin, ZHANG Jun-ling
Abstract: A niche entropy-based adaptive hybrid genetic algorithm is proposed,which introduces entropy into the nicking method of sharing scheme.Nicking radius can be adjusted adaptively in the algorithm in order to improve the sharing scheme,and concept of niche entropy is put forth to measure population's diversity.Evolutionary parameters of crossover probability and mutation probability can also be adjusted adaptively on the basis of the evolutionary generation number and the niche entropy of the population in that generation.The strong global convergence of the algorthm is demonstrated in this paper,and experiments show that the algorithm can solve those multimodal function optimization problems with good global search ability and fast convergence rate.
Key words: hybrid genetic algorithm, niche entropy, sharing scheme, multimodal function optimization
CLC Number:
LIANG Chang-yong, LU Qing, YANG Shan-lin, ZHANG Jun-ling. An Adaptive Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Based on Niche Entropy[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2008, 16(2): 115-121.
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