
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2007, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6): 86-91.

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A Genetic Algorithm Approach to the Three-Level Reverse Logistics Network Design Model

JI Shou-feng, LI Feng, DONG Yun-long, HUANG Xiao-yuan   

  1. School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China
  • Received:2006-10-15 Revised:2007-11-26 Online:2007-12-31 Published:2007-12-31

Abstract: To aestablish the initial collection point to facilitate the customers,increase the velocity of prod uctreturns and establish the centralized return center where returned products from retailers or end-customers were collected,sorted,and consolidated into a large shipment destined for manufacturers'or distributors'repair facilities,it is a saving and effective mode of multi-level producet returns.Based on the existing research,this paper considers more variables:initial collection cost,revenue of sell two-hand products selling,revenue of reclaimed products selling,then proposes a three level reverse logistics net work design Optimization model that can connect the customs,centralized return center and manufacturers.Ultimately,sensitivity analysis indicates that genetic algorithm is a valid approach to resolve this kind of problems.

Key words: reverse logistics network design, genetic algorithms, initial collection points, location allocation

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