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Guirong Zhang,Zhixiang Dong,Ting Xia.
Study on the Grid-based Early Warning Model for Online Rumors of Public Health Emergencies
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Wei-dong ZHU,Yu-fei TIAN,Fu-wei ZHANG,Xue HU,Xiao-ya DAI.
Research on the Relationship between Government Subsidy and SMEs Value Creation from Enterprise Life Cycle Perspective: Based on Rules Mining Using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering and Rough Sets
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GAO Yu-wei, NIE Teng-fei, DU Shao-fu.
Research on Government Monitoring Strategy and Promotion Mechanism of Power Rent-seeking in Poverty Alleviation
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GUI Yun-miao, CHENG Jing, GONG Ben-gang.
Research on Pricing of Competitive Network Freight Platform under Different Information Strategy
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ZHU Feng, LIU Yu-min, XU Ji-chao, SU Bing-jie.
A Considering Shape—Position Probabilistic Linguistic Term Similarity and Its Application
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LENG Ya-jun, WU Zong-yu, LIANG Chang-yong, ZHAO Wen-hui.
Black-start Decision Making Based on EM Algorithm and Weighted Rank Sum Ration
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Robust Pricing Issues in a Two-layer Supply Chain under an Uncertain Demand
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YU Gao-feng, LI Deng-feng, WU Jian, YE Yin-fang.
Heterogeneous Multi-attribute Variable Weight Decision Making Method Considering Decision Maker's Loss Aversion
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ZHANG Xu-mei, REN Ting-hai, ZHOU Mao-sen, DAN Bin.
The Contract Revision of Cooperation of Multi-stage Mobile Application Product and Service under Incomplete Information
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LI Li, ZHU Lei, FAN Ying.
Competitive Investment Strategy for Renewable Power Generation Under Uncertainty
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YI Kai-kai, ZHU Jian-jun, ZHANG Ming, WANG He-hua.
Analysis on the Main Manufacture-Supplier Cooperative Strategies of Airliner Based on Dynamic Games of Incomplete Information
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ZHAO Ying-mei, GUO Ben-hai, LIU Si-feng.
A Multi-player Game Model about Product Quality Regulation Based on Incomplete Information
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ZHANG Yong, LIU Xin-bao, ZHAO Li-xin, XIA Jing-fan, ZHANG Li.
The Early Warning Factor Analysis of Psychological Crisis of College Students Based on Double Limited Dominance Rough Set
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Manufacturer's Order Allocation Model under Demand Uncertainty
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A Sample-Set based Interval Gray Target Classification and Decision-Making Model and Its Applications
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