Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4): 152-157.
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LIANG Chang-yong1, YE Chun-sen1,2, ZHANG En-qiao1
Abstract: Aiming to the problem of conflict from intuition decision making and the combination result of dempste-rshafer,a new combination rule was proposed in this paper based on the classes of evidence conflicts. The two types of absurdity were firstly presented according to demand of decision-making in real world,which are "one-vote-down system" and "public clamor can confound right and wrong". Some errors were analyzed,which is caused by the irrational definition of evidence conflicts in view of information streng thened or lessened1 Finally,two numerical examples and experiments were applied toil lustrate the validity of the proposed method.
Key words: evidence theory, evidence conflict, decision-making pattern, absurdity of combination
CLC Number:
LIANG Chang-yong, YE Chun-sen, ZHANG En-qiao. A New Method of Combination Rules of Evidences Based on Concordance Evidences Conflict[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2010, 18(4): 152-157.
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