Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 105-110.
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JIN Zhi-Hong1, QIU Bo1,2
Abstract: The dock congestion has been becoming increasingly outstanding problem in a regional hub port,which results in the accessorial operational cost,especially for a feeder line shipping company.To reduce the waiting times in the hub and lower the operational cost,some feeder line container transportation companies try to set bulk barges,close to the hub port,as floating container terminal to berth smaller containerships.This paper proposes the coordinated optimization on berthing containerships between the main dock and pontoon in a regional hub port,from a view point of a feeder line shipping company.A coordinated berthing decision optimization model is proposed based on berth allocation problem and a modifiedge neticalg orithm is developed.The simulation tests quantitatively analyzes the countrmeasure against dock congestion and shows its effectiveness.
Key words: coordinated decision, berth allocation, hub port, pontoon
CLC Number:
JIN Zhi-Hong, QIU Bo. The Coordinated Optimization on Berthing Containerships between the Dock and Pontoon in a Regional Hub Port[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2011, 19(4): 105-110.
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