Chinese Journal of Management Science
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LU Jing
Abstract: By analyzing the panel data of abnormal returns during quarterly announced earning information from 2002 to 2006 between A-share market and H-share market,we study the influences of heterogeneous beliefs on the stock pricing.This research points out that the results based on PRC-GAAP are not different from those based on IASs.All investors,no matter they are from the A-share market or H-share market,can correctly read the earning information announced by stock exchanges respectively,there is much obvious private information in A-share market than in H-share market and this asymmetry information will persist until post announcement,the investors from H-share market have superior information processing abilities than those from A-share market,heterogeneous beliefs playing a role in stock pring and trading system is one of the reasons why result in the different stock price performances in segmented capital markets.
Key words: segmented capital markets, heterogeneous beliefs, earning announcements, stock returns
CLC Number:
LU Jing. Heterogeneous Beliefs of Investors and Recognition of Earnings Information of Listed Companies: Evidences from A-share and H-share Segmented Markets[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science.
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