Chinese Journal of Management Science
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LIU An-ying, WEI Fa-jie
Abstract: A new evaluation scale of linguistic information is given and a new concept of uncertain extended linguistic information is developed in this paper,with high uncertainty in large and complicated project program,difference and fuzziness in the evaluations of experts.Based on the developed evaluation scale, some straightforward formulas to determine the posterior weights of experts are given respectively with certain linguistic information,uncertain linguistic information and uncertain extended linguistic information,and the first two are considered as particular cases of uncertain extended linguistic information.Finally,the effectiveness of the method and the rationality of the evaluation result are proved by apractical example.
Key words: evaluation scale of linguistic information, posterior weight, extended linguistic information, model project
CLC Number:
LIU An-ying, WEI Fa-jie. Research on Method of Analyzing the Posterior Weight of Experts Based on New Evaluation Scale of Linguistic Information[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science.
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