
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (6): 44-50.

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An Investigation about the Game of the Consideration

WU Bin1, LI Chun-nian2, HE Jian-min1   

  1. 1. School of Economics & Management, South East University, Nanjing 210096, China;
    2. Huatai Securities CO. LTD, Nanjing 224200, China
  • Received:2008-02-13 Revised:2009-09-24 Online:2009-12-30 Published:2009-12-30

Abstract: The core of consideration in the share structure reform is to determine the compensation of circulating shareholders to non-circulating ones.This article is trying to build a bargaining model to discuss the consideration within a limit period of time and without a limit of time.Studies have shown that the results of consideration game between circulating shareholders and non-irculating ones depend on the ratio of each one's discount factor.Considering that government's supervision and the introduction of time restricdons increase the cost of non-irculating shareholders, the final stock-based compensation solutions can only be implemented within a certain range, which is a function determined by the proposal cost of noncirculating shareholders, the game number and the punishment cost.

Key words: equity division, bargain, consideration, game

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