Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2008, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (6): 1-8.
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SHE Sheng-xiang, MA Chao-qun
Abstract: An Inter-Temporal Relative Risk-Value(IRRV) model,integrating time-probability tradeoff and risk-value tradeoff,is proposed. For complex risky events with nonnegative outcomes,an explicit formula of time-probability tradeoff is derived based on some preference axioms,which formalizes the "psychological distance"-based intuition that the time is intrinsically uncertain and the inter-temporal effect on utility is captured by an intrinsic time discount rate. This intrinsic discount rate,serving as a core factor of time-probability tradeoff,is mainly determined by decision-make's time preference and probably depends on the magnitude of outcomes. Based on the time-probability tradeoff,this paper extends the static relative risk-value model to a dynamic IRRV model.This model synthesizes three fundamental decision-making dimensions,namely value,time and probability under a common state space and provides a normative framework for dynamic risk evaluation and investment decision.
Key words: time-probability tradeoff, risk-value tradeoff, intrinsic discount rate, inter-temporal relative risk-value model
CLC Number:
SHE Sheng-xiang, MA Chao-qun. An IRRV Model for Dynamic Risk Evaluation and Investment Decision-Making[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2008, 20(6): 1-8.
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