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Qingyuan Zhu,Xifan Chen,Jie Chen,Jie Wu.
Renewables Quota Allocation among Regional Power Industries under the Policy of Renewable Electricity Standard
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Qinghua Zeng,Gang Zong.
Research on the Optimal Design of Urban Multi-level Bus Routes
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Lin Wang,Shenghui Gu,Weilan Suo.
Research on a Resilience-Oriented Resource Allocation for the Protection and Restoration of Critical Infrastructures Considering Multiple Interdependencies
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Hui Li,Xi Wang,Zhiya Zuo.
Multi-objective Integrated Optimization of Flexible Resource Allocation and Scheduling in the Aerospace Production Workshop
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Li-ping XIAO,Jia-lian LI,Xue-yan SHAO,Hong CHI.
Medical Alliance System Optimization Based on Queuing Network under Hierarchical Diagnosis and Treatment
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LIU Feng-gen, WANG Yi-ding, YAN Jian-jun, ZHANG Min.
Urban Resource Allocation, Population Agglomeration and Rising Real Estate Prices——An Empirical Evidence from 95 Cities in China
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Resources Allocation Decisions of Business and Government in The Perspective of Efficiency and Fairness
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Study on Resource Allocation DEA Model Based on the Future Efficiency with Consideration of Efficiency & Equity: An Application in Distribution of Carbon Emission Rights in each Chinese Province
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Research on Technological Innovation Resource Allocation Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors in High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industries——Based on the Empirical Analysis of the Two-stage StoNED-Tobit Model
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Resource Allocation Model and Strategy Research of Large-scale Construction Project: System Dynamics Modeling and Simulation
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Researchthe Resource Allocation Problem in Stochastic Weighted Cross Efficiency
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LEI Xi-yang, DAI Qian-zhi, LI Yong-jun, XIE Qi-wei, LIANG Liang.
DEA-based Resource Allocation Method with Considering the System Consisted of Parallel Structure
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LI Chuan-guo, CHEN Shou, MAO Chao, LIU Duan.
The Measurement of Strategic Change and Its Impact on Performance From the Perspective of Resource Allocation
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LI Chuan-guo, CHEN Shou, MAO Chao, LIU Duan.
The Measurement of Strategic Change and Its Impact on Performance From the Perspective of Resource Allocation
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