
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2012, Vol. ›› Issue (3): 145-151.

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The Optimization of Hub and Spoke Logistics Network Design based on Tabu Search Algorithm

FU Shao-chuan, HU Meng-fei, TANG Fang-cheng   

  1. School of Economics & Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
  • Received:2011-07-15 Revised:2012-04-11 Online:2012-06-29 Published:2012-07-05

Abstract: With the development of economy, hub and spoke network has gained many attentions from researchers and practitioners since it can improve transport efficiency, optimize resource allocation and result in economies of scale.In this paper, hub and spoke network is optimized and analyzed, and based on the classical model of multiple allocation problem for p-hub location problem in the hub and spoke network, an improved model which is a mixed integer linear programming model for uncapacitated single allocation of p-hub median location problem is put forward. Then, tabu search intelligent algorithm is used to solve the problem. At last, a numerical example shows that the tabu search algorithm can efficiently solve the single distribution of multi-hub median problem.

Key words: hub and spoke network, single allocation of p-hub median location problem, tabu search, hingle

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