
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2012, Vol. ›› Issue (4): 104-108.

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The Study of Multiple Attribute Decision Making Based on Bi-objective Combined Weights Model

WANG Peng-fei, LI Chang   

  1. Dept. of Automobile Management, Bengbu Automobile No-commissioned Officer Academy, Bengbu 233011, China
  • Received:2011-03-04 Revised:2012-03-07 Online:2012-08-29 Published:2012-08-29

Abstract: In this paper, the distance entropy of the interval grey number is defined, and grey number distance entropy is used as the measurement standard of interval grey number distance. The grey distance entropy maximizing deviations model of the attributes of uncertain multiple attribute decision making is build. Then the bi-objective combined weight model based on the grey distance entropy and maximum-entropy is discussed. There by the transformation from the interval weights to certain weights is achieved. At last an example is used to verify this effectiveness of the decision making method.

Key words: grey distance entropy, maximum-entropy, multiple attribute decision making, bi-objective combined weight model

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