
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (12): 77-85.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2019.1743

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Research on Clustering and Assignment of Emergency Blood Donors for Emergency

CHEN Xi1, ZHANG Yi-fei1, SUN Ya-ya1, LIANG Hai-ming2, ZHANG Wen-bo1   

  1. 1. School of Economics & Management, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China; 2. Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
  • Received:2019-11-01 Revised:2020-03-11 Online:2022-12-20 Published:2022-12-20
  • Contact: 陈希 E-mail:xchen@xidian.edu.cn

Abstract: Various emergency events have happened frequently in recent years, which have caused severely impact on society and economy. Once the emergency events happen, it usually implies the need of emergency medical, especially the need of emergency blood. And the number of emergency blood donor will boom, inducing overloaded operations in blood collection agencies and facilities. An optimization method is proposed for emergency blood donor clustering and allocation, which can effectively solve the above problems. In the proposed method, the classification rules of emergency blood donors are introduced, following with an algorithm combining Canopy and K-means to cluster emergent blood donors. Furthermore, a multi-objective allocation optimization model is established accordingly in terms of blood donors, through which psychological factors areadopted, maximizing the demand for blood to meet and to balance the workload of various blood collection agencies and facilities, whereby the effectiveness of blood donors is optimized and maximized. A multi-objective optimization model is also established by taking into account the time preferences of emergency blood donors, thereby formulating a mechanism for blood donation. Throughout performing an optimization algorithm to solve the model, an emergency blood donor allocation profilecan be obtained. Consequently, related case analysis is conducted to validate and verify thefeasibility and effectiveness of the method.The obtained results in the example show that the proposed method can contribute to the classification and distribution of emergency blood donors, and further promote the satisfactions of the emergency blood donors.

Key words: emergencies; emergency blood donors; clustering; distribution

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