
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 285-297.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0525

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A consensus Model for Large-group Emergency Decision-making Based on Group Wisdomfusion under Social Network Environment

Xuanhua Xu1,2(),Ting Xiao2,Xiaohong Chen1,2   

  1. 1.School of Frontier Crossover Studies, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Changsha 410205, China
    2.School of business, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
  • Received:2022-03-16 Revised:2022-05-03 Online:2024-02-25 Published:2024-03-06
  • Contact: Xuanhua Xu E-mail:xuxh@csu.edu.cn


Aiming at the difficulty of incomplete information and reaching consensus in large-group emergency decision-making,a group wisdom fusion modelintegrating the wisdom of a wide range of groups for emergency decision making are constructed. On this basis, a consensus model for large group emergency decision making was designed to improve the level of group consensus.Firstly, the public group wisdom is mined in social media to obtain public topics and weights, which are used as decision-making attribute information to participate in the emergency decision-making process.Secondly, cohesion coefficient and coupling coefficient are defined based on trust relationship and preference relationshipamong experts, and cluster weights were determined. The group wisdom fusion model is applied to integrate expert wisdom and public wisdom, and hte comprehensive group wisdom result is obtained.Then, consensus feedback adjustment parameters are determined according to the characteristics of emergency decision-making problems, and consensus measurement based on the results of group wisdom fusion is conducted. By analyzing the cohesion characteristics and coupling characteristics of cluster, the type of cluster is identified and the preference adjustment suggestions are proposed to achieve a high consistency large group decision result. As a result, the rationality and superiority of the model methodproposed in this paper are verified by applying it to the case of “preventing and controlling of public health safety incident related to infectious diseases”.

Key words: social network, group wisdomfusion, large group, emergency decision-making, consensus reaching process

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