Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 187-195.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.0698
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Ling Zhang1(),Pengfei Gao2,Lin Zhang3
Ling Zhang
CLC Number:
Ling Zhang,Pengfei Gao,Lin Zhang. Research on Emergency Evacuation and Material Allocation Based on Deprivation Cost[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2024, 32(5): 187-195.
避难所 | 服务受灾点 | 物资分配量 | |
食品/份 | 药品包/个 | ||
J1 | I1、I2、I4、I5、I6 | 189000 | 42000 |
J2 | I1、I4、I5、I6 | 184500 | 41000 |
J3 | I2、I5、I6、I15 | 179100 | 39800 |
J4 | I2、I3、I5、I6、I7、I8、I9、I10、I11、I12、I15 | 198000 | 44000 |
J5 | I2、I3、I5、I6、I7、I8、I10、I11、I15 | 207000 | 46000 |
J6 | I2、I3、I5、I6、I8、I11、I12、I13、I15、I18 | 175500 | 39000 |
J7 | I2、I3、I6、I14、I15、I16、I17、I18 | 184500 | 41000 |
J8 | I3、I6、I15、I19 | 176400 | 39200 |
J9 | I3、I6、I9、I15、I16、I17、I18、I19 | 188793 | 41954 |
救援时间/h | 相对剥夺成本系数 | 灾民疏散人数/人 | 总成本 | 物资配送量 | |
食品/份 | 药品包/个 | ||||
24 | 0.3 | 137077 | 24971301799 | 1233693 | 274154 |
0.5 | 137077 | 24972673383 | 1233693 | 274154 | |
0.7 | 137077 | 24974044968 | 1233693 | 274154 | |
1 | 137077 | 24976102343 | 1233693 | 274154 | |
48 | 0.3 | 183577 | 1729665358 | 1652193 | 367154 |
0.5 | 183577 | 1730698601 | 1652193 | 367154 | |
0.7 | 183577 | 1731736168 | 1652193 | 367154 | |
1 | 183577 | 1733474488 | 1652193 | 367154 | |
72 | 0.3 | 186976 | 29608721 | 1682793 | 373954 |
0.5 | 186976 | 30197914 | 1682793 | 373954 | |
0.7 | 186976 | 31346824 | 1682793 | 373954 | |
1 | 186976 | 32993089 | 1682793 | 373954 |
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