Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 140-150.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.1159
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Zhongliang Zhang,Qinjun Fei,Yuyu Chen,Xinggang Luo()
Xinggang Luo
CLC Number:
Zhongliang Zhang,Qinjun Fei,Yuyu Chen,Xinggang Luo. Researchon Multi-class Sentiment Classification Based on BERT and Dynamic Ensemble Selection[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2024, 32(6): 140-150.
数据集 | TF-IDF | Word2Vec | BERT | |||
Acc | Kappa | Acc | Kappa | Acc | Kappa | |
D1 | 42.71 | 0.0297 | 51.02 | 0.1834 | 65.43 | 0.4576 |
D2 | 43.69 | 0.0167 | 43.75 | 0.0181 | 57.12 | 0.3538 |
D3 | 43.82 | 0.1020 | 41.94 | 0.0685 | 62.31 | 0.4260 |
D4 | 36.62 | 0.0030 | 39.47 | 0.0567 | 54.33 | 0.3350 |
D5 | 51.11 | 0.0659 | 50.27 | 0.0506 | 78.81 | 0.6470 |
D6 | 45.60 | 0.0000 | 45.60 | 0.0000 | 67.43 | 0.5129 |
D7 | 52.20 | 0.2224 | 48.32 | 0.1522 | 72.49 | 0.5751 |
D8 | 42.61 | 0.0277 | 44.52 | 0.0247 | 65.60 | 0.4844 |
平均值 | 44.80 | 0.0584 | 45.61 | 0.0692 | 65.44 | 0.4739 |
数据集 | DYN | DCS | DES | |||
Acc | Kappa | Acc | Kappa | Acc | Kappa | |
D1 | 63.39 | 0.4338 | 59.52 | 0.3439 | 65.43 | 0.4576 |
D2 | 54.43 | 0.3291 | 52.91 | 0.2814 | 57.12 | 0.3538 |
D3 | 59.76 | 0.3871 | 56.89 | 0.3340 | 62.31 | 0.4260 |
D4 | 52.52 | 0.3229 | 47.26 | 0.2226 | 54.33 | 0.3350 |
D5 | 76.59 | 0.6137 | 74.76 | 0.5728 | 78.81 | 0.6470 |
D6 | 64.27 | 0.4763 | 62.85 | 0.4380 | 67.43 | 0.5129 |
D7 | 70.40 | 0.5447 | 67.34 | 0.4958 | 72.49 | 0.5751 |
D8 | 62.82 | 0.4566 | 61.36 | 0.4101 | 65.60 | 0.4844 |
平均值 | 63.02 | 0.4455 | 60.361 | 0.3873 | 65.44 | 0.4739 |
数据集 | Pang等[ | Liu等[ | Bickerstaffe等[ | BERT+DES | ||||
Acc | Kappa | Acc | Kappa | Acc | Kappa | Acc | Kappa | |
D1 | 59.95 | 0.3756 | 62.48 | 0.4268 | 59.30 | 0.3393 | 65.43 | 0.4576 |
D2 | 48.23 | 0.2257 | 51.97 | 0.2876 | 53.62 | 0.3230 | 57.12 | 0.3538 |
D3 | 58.24 | 0.3619 | 56.35 | 0.3364 | 54.88 | 0.3141 | 62.31 | 0.4260 |
D4 | 49.56 | 0.2681 | 46.64 | 0.2412 | 48.04 | 0.2348 | 54.33 | 0.3350 |
D5 | 73.89 | 0.5608 | 72.71 | 0.5479 | 71.75 | 0.5302 | 78.81 | 0.6470 |
D6 | 60.64 | 0.4084 | 59.78 | 0.4075 | 62.84 | 0.4518 | 67.43 | 0.5129 |
D7 | 67.65 | 0.5011 | 72.00 | 0.5717 | 67.46 | 0.4988 | 72.49 | 0.5751 |
D8 | 57.72 | 0.3658 | 63.47 | 0.4678 | 60.92 | 0.4254 | 65.60 | 0.4844 |
平均值 | 59.49 | 0.3834 | 60.68 | 0.4109 | 59.85 | 0.3896 | 65.44 | 0.4739 |
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