Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 281-289.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.2118
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Jianzhong Xu
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Yanru Liang,Jianzhong Xu. Research on Incentive Policy Optimization of Enterprise Ecological Innovation Driving System[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2024, 32(6): 281-289.
均衡解 | 特征根 | 状态 |
(0,0,0) T | (1.3,-0.65,-0.02) T | 鞍点 |
(0,0,1) T | (1.3,-0.15,0.02) T | 鞍点 |
(0,1,0) T | (-0.4,0.65,-0.2) T | 鞍点 |
(0,1,1) T | (-0.4,0.15,0.2) T | 鞍点 |
(1,0,0) T | (-1.3,0.65,0.48) T | 鞍点 |
(1,0,1) T | (-1.3,1.15,-0.48) T | 鞍点 |
(1,1,0) T | (0.4,-0.65,-0.2) T | 鞍点 |
(1,1,1) T | (0.4,-1.15,0.2) T | 鞍点 |
(3/26,13/17,1) T | (0.2015i,-0.2015i,0.1441) T | 鞍点 |
(0.5,13/17,0) T | (0.3153i,-0.3153i,-0.0988) T | 鞍点 |
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