
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 312-322.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.1957

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How does Public Sentiment Affect Enterprise Emission Reduction in the Industrial Symbiosis Chain? Analysis Based on RDEU Game Model

Lili Ding,Kaixuan Zhang,Lei Wang()   

  1. School of Economics,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China
  • Received:2021-09-23 Revised:2021-10-26 Online:2024-06-25 Published:2024-07-03
  • Contact: Lei Wang E-mail:leiwang@ouc.edu.cn


Developing low-carbon economy and promoting the development of industrial symbiosis chain is an important starting point to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutral goals, which is an important way to achieve sustainable development as well. In the process of emission reduction, enterprises of industrial symbiosis chain need to pay high costs. For the sake of interests, some enterprises choose to directly discharge pollutants. Such events tend to trigger various emotions of the public, induce their emotional behaviors and attitudes. Furthermore, it will act on enterprises and influence their behavioral tendencies. In this paper, the Rank-Dependent Expected Utility (RDEU) theory including emotion function is applied to the evolutionary game of enterprise emission reduction within the industrial mechanism of public emotion factors on enterprise emission reduction in the industrial symbiosis chain. Taking the pollution event of circular economy Industrial Park in Yong' an County as an example, the equilibrium analysis and numerical simulation of the four heterogeneous emotion combinations “public and industrial symbiosis enterprises are equally rational”, “public and industrial symbiosis enterprises have emotions (optimism or pessimism)”, “public has emotions (optimism or pessimism), industrial symbiosis enterprises are rational” and “public is rational, industrial symbiosis enterprises have emotions (optimism or pessimism)” are carried out respectively. The results show that when both the public and enterprises are in arational state, the public will passively accept the direct discharge of pollutants by enterprises, and enterprises will directly discharge pollutants.When both the public and enterprises are in a pessimistic mood, moderate pessimism makes the public more willing to accept compromise, and enterprises more willing to choose to symbiosis. However, excessive pessimism is not conducive to the formation of industrial symbiosis chain, and the strategy choice in optimistic mood are opposite. When enterprises are in a pessimistic mood, the deepening of public optimism to a certain extent increases the probability of public collective protest. Finally, relevant countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to guide social emotions from the aspect of emotion management, in order to better realize the emission reduction of enterprises in the industrial symbiosis chain.

Key words: emotional function, industrial symbiosis chain, enterprise emission reduction, RDEU theory, evolutionary game

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