
Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 170-181.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.0651

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Online Assisting Farmers Mode and Financing Strategy of Smart Platform Supply Chain

Zongyu Mu(),Xiaoxia Yang,Ke Li,Guitao Zhang   

  1. School of Business,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China
  • Received:2021-04-02 Revised:2021-11-04 Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-08-29
  • Contact: Zongyu Mu E-mail:mzydragon@163.com


The smart platform has the advantages of extensive sales channels and convenient financing method, which can help the national rural revitalization task to be accomplished as soon as possible. Therefore, it is considered that farmer generally faces a shortage of production funds, and the platform can provide financing help, and constructs the decision-making models of the supply chains of “farmer+smart platform”, “farmer+wholesaler+smart platform” and “farmer+rural cooperative+smart platform” and so on. “and other decision-making models of the supply chain of the farming assistance model. It is found that:(1) when farmer's affluence and consumers' preference for helping farmer increase, the market demand for agricultural products increases, which will enhance the profits of the members in the supply chain of the smart platform, and the improvement of the level of smart services helps to expand the market demand for agricultural products, which will in turn benefit the farmer, wholesaler, and rural cooperative in obtaining more profits, but the platform's profits are reduced due to the increase in the cost of investing in wisdom, and the interest-bearing loan. In the case of interest-bearing loans, the profit of farmer will decrease as the interest rate increases, while the profit of the platform will increase as the interest rate increases. (2) Under the “farmer + smart platform” direct marketing model, farmer and the smart platform can get the most profit because they can avoid the double marginal markup problem,but in reality, farmer is difficult to sell agricultural products directly on the platform due to the limitation of conditions, so it is difficult to realize this model, and at this time, farmer chooses to cooperate with the rural cooperatives to help them share production costs, which can get more profit. At this time,farmer chooses to cooperate with rural cooperative to help them share the cost of production, which can obtain more profits, so the richness effect of the “farmer + rural cooperative + smart platform” model will be better. (3) Under the three modes of smart platform to help farmer, farmer can obtain higher profit s through interest-free loans, while smart platform can obtain higher profits through interest-bearing loans. At this time, the government can design a reasonable subsidy policy to incentivize the smart platforms to improve the level of smart services while agreeing with farmers' expectations of interest-free loans in their financing strategies.

Key words: smart supply chain, farmers wealth with assistance, online financing, government subsidies

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