Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (9): 323-334.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.0712
Zhengxin Wang1,Xinsi Wu1,Jun Liu1,2()
Jun Liu
CLC Number:
Zhengxin Wang,Xinsi Wu,Jun Liu. Enterprise Risk Level and Location Choice of OFDI:An Empirical Analysis Based on Heterogeneous Firm Theory[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2024, 32(9): 323-334.
变量 | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | ||||
Coef. | z | Coef. | z | Coef. | z | Coef. | z | |
GDP | 0.198*** | (9.80) | 0.199*** | (9.76) | 0.174*** | (7.23) | 0.175*** | (7.22) |
Distance | -1.566*** | (-46.13) | -1.565*** | (-46.08) | -1.494*** | (-36.34) | -1.493*** | (-36.25) |
Ease of Entry | 1.384*** | (4.23) | 1.432*** | (4.27) | 1.560*** | (4.56) | 1.612*** | (4.60) |
Institution | 7.267*** | (23.87) | 7.242*** | (23.50) | 6.683*** | (18.16) | 6.650*** | (17.88) |
Technology | -0.033*** | (-10.10) | -0.033*** | (-10.10) | -0.029*** | (-6.87) | -0.028*** | (-6.87) |
Ore | 0.023*** | (-11.06) | 0.023*** | (-11.01) | 0.023*** | (8.85) | 0.023*** | (8.87) |
0.981** | (1.99) | 0.982** | (1.99) | |||||
Distance | -2.581*** | (-3.05) | -2.605*** | (-3.06) | ||||
Ease of Entry | -6.424* | (-1.80) | -6.429* | (-1.79) | ||||
Institution | 22.280*** | (2.60) | 22.407*** | (2.60) | ||||
Technology | -0.165 | (-1.58) | -0.165 | (-1.58) | ||||
Ore | 0.005 | (0.08) | 0.005 | (0.09) | ||||
Year FE | No | Yes | No | Yes | ||||
Log likelihood | -5455.5773 | -5453.2403 | -5447.1766 | -5444.7842 | ||||
LR chi2 | 4207.85 | 4212.53 | 4224.66 | 4229.44 | ||||
pseudo R2 | 0.2783 | 0.2786 | 0.2794 | 0.2797 | ||||
Prob > chi2 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ||||
Observations | 149942 | 149942 | 149942 | 149942 |
变量 | (1) | (2) | (3) | |||
改变观测时段 | 改变风险水平衡量值 | 剔除避税地 | ||||
Coef. | z | Coef. | z | Coef. | z | |
GDP | 0.037 | (0.93) | 0.073 | (1.35) | 0.175*** | (7.22) |
Distance | -1.767*** | (-28.78) | -1.424*** | (-15.08) | -1.493*** | (-36.28) |
Ease of Entry | 2.634*** | (5.30) | 2.961*** | (6.22) | 1.611*** | (4.60) |
Institution | 6.302*** | (10.97) | 3.284*** | (4.50) | 6.654*** | (17.90) |
Technology | -0.036*** | (-5.57) | -0.025*** | (-2.67) | -0.029*** | (-6.87) |
Ore | 0.026*** | (-6.61) | 0.012*** | (2.03) | 0.023*** | (8.80) |
0.973 | (1.49) | 0.235** | (2.54) | 0.983** | (1.99) | |
Distance | -2.149*** | (-2.09) | -0.271* | (-1.67) | -2.601*** | (-3.06) |
Ease of Entry | -10.990** | (-2.08) | -2.926*** | (-4.47) | -6.406* | (-1.79) |
Institution | 35.860** | (2.81) | 7.626*** | (5.77) | 22.337*** | (2.60) |
Technology | -0.022 | (-0.2) | -0.0145 | (-0.88) | -0.166 | (-1.59) |
Ore | 0.003 | (0.04) | 0.021** | (2.05) | 0.005 | (0.08) |
Year FE | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||
Log likelihood | -2514.4427 | -5431.974 | -5435.0404 | |||
LR chi2 | 2495.82 | 4255.06 | 4230.98 | |||
pseudo R2 | 0.3317 | 0.2814 | 0.2802 | |||
Prob > chi2 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | |||
Observations | 75462 | 149942 | 148812 |
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