Chinese Journal of Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (10): 109-122.doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.1982
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Xuelong Chen1,2(),Zhong Zhang1,Yue Li1
Xuelong Chen
CLC Number:
Xuelong Chen,Zhong Zhang,Yue Li. Generation of Emergency Response Plan for Unconventional Emergencies from the Perspective of Improvisational Decision-Making[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2024, 32(10): 109-122.
资源( | 释义 | 数量( | 重要程度( | 成本( |
类别:消耗性资源集( | ||||
泡沫灭火器 | 830支 | 0.95 | 60元/支 | |
消防用水 | 500吨 | 0.80 | 4元/吨 | |
急救箱 | 400套 | 0.95 | 50元/套 | |
沙袋 | 205个 | 0.75 | 3元/个 | |
防毒面具 | 700副 | 0.90 | 50元/副 | |
类别:耐用性资源集( | ||||
消防车 | 225辆 | 0.95 | 100元/辆 | |
防化服 | 910套 | 0.90 | 50元/套 | |
应急灯具 | 600件 | 0.70 | 3元/件 | |
担架 | 50副 | 0.90 | 8元/副 | |
救护车 | 101辆 | 0.95 | 40元/辆 | |
挖掘工具 | 200副 | 0.50 | 3元/副 | |
事故检测箱 | 20套 | 0.60 | 5元/套 | |
侦毒剂 | 15套 | 0.60 | 10元/套 | |
气体检测仪 | 20台 | 0.65 | 3元/台 | |
运输车 | 60辆 | 0.80 | 80元/辆 | |
挖掘机 | 30台 | 0.85 | 100元/台 | |
挖掘器械 | 145具 | 0.70 | 30元/具 | |
警戒线 | 100卷 | 0.65 | 10元/卷 | |
警示牌 | 100具 | 0.65 | 10元/具 | |
消防员 | 900人 | 0.95 | 718元/人 | |
民兵 | 180人 | 0.60 | 1034元/人 | |
武警 | 253人 | 0.73 | 1034元/人 | |
医护人员 | 303人 | 0.95 | 1034元/人 | |
专家医生 | 70人 | 0.80 | 1034元/人 | |
民警 | 240人 | 0.70 | 1034元/人 | |
军区官兵 | 105人 | 0.70 | 1034元/人 | |
监测人员 | 40人 | 0.85 | 1034元/人 |
活动 ( | 耐用性资源 ( | 资源需求量 ( | 消耗性资源 ( | 资源需求量( | 最晚开始时间 ( | 最短执行时间 ( | 最长执行时间 ( | 优先级 ( |
73,360,300 | 400,300,360 | 1.0h | 5.0h | 15.0h | 1 | |||
58,300,240 | 350,250,300 | 1.5h | 4.0h | 13.0h | 1 | |||
240,260,180 | 210,200,240 | 1.0h | 1.4h | 3.4h | 1 | |||
100,60,200,80,90 | — | — | 2.0h | 9.3h | 23.3h | 1 | ||
38,160,152 | 160,160,160 | 11.0h | 7.2h | 16.2h | 2 | |||
250,250,250,243 | 250,100,250 | 3.0h | 1.5h | 4.5h | 2 | |||
200,200,200,190 | 200,80,200 | 6.0h | 1.0h | 3.0h | 2 | |||
170,60 | 600 | 3.0h | 12.3h | 28.3h | 2 | |||
55,170,60,30 | 620 | 3.0h | 14.3h | 32.3h | 2 | |||
100,50,40, 76,100 | 100 | 4.0h | 19.2h | 36.2h | 3 | |||
90,130,160 | — | — | 0.6h | 6.0h | 15.0h | 1 | ||
200,320,300,150,150 | 400 | 15.0h | 8.0h | 21.0h | 3 | |||
100,100,100,90 | — | — | 1.0h | 2.0h | 6.0h | 3 | ||
120,120,165 | — | — | 1.0h | 2.4h | 7.4h | 3 |
活动( | 耐用性资源( | 资源分配量( | 消耗性资源( | 资源分配量( |
{ | {73,151,275} | {167,93,148} | ||
{ | {58,170,175} | {178,99,68} | ||
{ | {131,190,173} | {101,97,128} | ||
{ | {50,51,180,61,87} | — | — | |
{ | {38,134,139} | {86,82,88} | ||
{ | {130,174,119,177} | {132,69,100} | ||
{ | {133,152,107,176} | {139,52,90} | ||
{170,60} | { | {5} | ||
{ | {51,60,60,30} | { | {329} | |
{ | {100,20,15,20,40} | { | {74} | |
{ | {60,83,58} | — | — | |
{ | {30,145,63,89,55} | { | {205} | |
{ | {100,54,52,81} | — | — | |
{ | {58,68,80} | — | — |
活动( | 耐用性资源( | 资源分配量( | 消耗性资源( | 资源分配量( |
{ | {73,326,138} | {201,136,152} | ||
{ | {58,131,130} | {136,96,109} | ||
{ | {130,195,180} | {102,69,81} | ||
{ | {50,51,181,60,85} | — | — | |
{ | {38,130,133} | {96,75,110} | ||
{ | {130,184,104,129} | {136,67,90} | ||
{ | {130,150,100,129} | {140,49,93} | ||
{170,60} | { | {183} | ||
{ | {51,60,60,30} | { | {202} | |
{ | {100,20,15,20,40} | { | {65} | |
{ | {60,80,53} | — | — | |
{ | {30,145,60,94,53} | { | {205} | |
{ | {100,50,50, 80} | — | — | |
{ | {50,50,80} | — | — |
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