Recent studies show that there are intimate connections between independent research and knowledge accumulation.With continuously improve of efficiency of credit allocative in China,it is necessary that analysis the impact of independent research on knowledge accumulation.The nonlinear panel data threshold model consisting of China's provincial panel data during 2002 and 2009 is constructed,and financial development is taken as the threshold variable,studing the nonlinear impact of independent research on knowledge accumulation and the threshold effect of financial development. On this basis, we analysis the trend of financial development is analyzed,which has an effect on the impact of independent research on knowledge accumulation. The results show: the effects of independent research on knowledge accumulation have a significant single threshold effect. When the degree of financial development exceeds the threshold value, the independent research has a bigger promotion effect on the knowledge accumulation. After 2008, most of the provinces in China cross the threshold value and reached the regional of the higher degree of financial development. Independent research has a bigger promote effect on the knowledge accumulation.A better understanding of the relationship between independent research and knowledge accumulation is provided, the extension of this problem by Ang expanded,and a reference for government departments formulate relevant policies is provided.
YAN Tai-hua, LIU Huan-peng
. Independent Research and Accumulation of Knowledge: Research on the Threshold Model from the Perspective of Financial Development[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2015
, 23(5)
: 73
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.05.010
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