It is very difficult to collect biofuel, which is a main constraint of developing the biomass generation industry. Biofuel collecting mode plays a significant role in promoting the biomass power industry. In this paper, two dynamic game theory models are built: (1) Optimizing the economic benefits of farmer, economic organization and biomass power plant under tradition mode; (2) maximizing the utilities of these three parties with introduction of foundation organization, i.e. the village committee organizes the farmers to collect the biomass feedstock, part of whose revenue belongs to the farmers and the rest is utilized for the village's infrastructure construction. The income is divided to two parts; one owes to farmers, the other is used for building infrastructure. The results demonstrate that the supply amount of biomass fuels and the price offered by organizations to the peasants have positive correlation relationship with feed-in tariff, while negative correlation with the cost of biomass fuels transportation, storage, and preprocess. Moreover, in the mode of foundation organization, the coefficient of the utility function has impact to some extent on the supply amount of biomass fuels and the benefit to peasants delivered by foundation. The biomass fuels supply amount and the peasant's income in the foundation organization mode are higher than those in the tradition mode. With the incentives from government, the utilities of the farmer and organization present significant, as well as the economic benefit of biomass power plant,increase.
TAN Qin-liang, DENG Yan-ming, ZHAO Jian-ying, WEI Yong-mei, ZHANG Xing-ping
. Research on the Biomass Fuel Supply Based on Foundation Organization Pattern[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2016
, 24(9)
: 99
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2016.09.012
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