Because of the destructive power and uncertainty of emergencies, it is possible that the emergency facility will fail. System of evaluation indices and model of emergency facility location based on the facility failure scenarios are studied in this paper. At first, failure scenarios of emergency facility are defined. Evaluation indices of facility location are studied based on the definition of failure scenarios. The evaluation indices of global, efficiency, equilibrium, reliability and economy are defined. Multi-covering concept is used to present the reliability evaluation index. It is helpful to improve the material security degree of emergency resource for the demand region and the reliability of the emergency system. The system of general scenario evaluation indices, the system of facility failure scenario evaluation indices and the system of multi-region scenario evaluation indices, which have the different evaluation target-oriented, are designed in the end, the measure of more indices of input and output is involved in the emergency facility location generally. The data envelope analysis which is the predominant method to solve the problem of multiple inputs and multiple outputs is used to evaluate the rationality of emergency facility location.The computational experiment shows the practicability and validity of the proposed system of facility location evaluation indices.
. System of Evaluation Indices of Emergency Facility Location and Model Based on Facility Failure Scenarios[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2016
, 24(11)
: 129
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2016.11.015
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