In this paper, listed manufacturing companies are taken for the study, based on 2012-2014 panel manufacturing sector listed company data, by using statistical software STATA 12 to study the impact of corporate social responsibility accrued earnings management and real earnings management. For a measure of corporate social responsibility, evaluation system of corporate social responsibility is constructed in the method of factor analysis.The index of scientific technological innovation, quality and safety is used in the evaluation system,the composite score for each enterprise as a measure of social responsibility; for measurement of accrued earnings management, the modified Jones model is used to measure discretionary accrual earnings management; for real measure of earnings management, Roychowdhury approach is taken to integrate abnormal product costs, abnormal flow from operating activities net, abnormal discretionary expenses as a true three-part activity measure of earnings management. The results show that:Listed manufacturing firms will also use accrued and real earnings management in two ways, and the Corporate Social Responsibility and accruals earnings management, real earnings management showed a significant negative correlation, suggesting that corporate social responsibility is a kinds of ethical behavior, the better social responsibility fulfill, the more transparent information disclosure, thereby inhibiting earnings management behavior. Results of this study to further enrich the research of corporate social responsibility and earnings management, It provides guidance and advice for the supervision of the manufacturing sector.
SONG Yan, TENG Ping-ping, QIN Chang-cai
. Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management: Based on the Empirical Study of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock A-share Manufacturing Listed Companies in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2017
, 25(5)
: 187
DOI: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2017.05.022
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