
Guide for Authors

  • Chinese Journal of Management Science: Publication Academic Ethics and Malpractice Statement

    In the realm of academic publishing, ethics and malpractice are of utmost importance. They serve as the guiding principles for authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers, ensuring the integrity, reliability, and credibility of the academic community. This statement aims to outline the fundamental ethical and malpractice considerations that must be adhered to in the process of academic publication.

    Authors are expected to adhere to the highest standards of honesty and integrity in their research and writing. They must present an accurate and objective account of their original research, avoiding any form of plagiarism, falsification, or manipulation of data. Authors should also acknowledge the contributions of others, citing their sources appropriately and giving credit where credit is due.

    Editors have a crucial role in maintaining the quality and integrity of academic journals. They must ensure that the manuscripts they accept are original, well-written, and adhere to the journal's submission guidelines. Editors should also handle any potential conflicts of interest objectively and fairly, avoiding any bias or favoritism.

    Reviewers play a vital role in evaluating the quality and validity of manuscripts submitted for publication. They must provide honest and constructive feedback, pointing out any weaknesses or areas for improvement. Reviewers should also maintain confidentiality, not disclosing any information about the manuscript or its authors to unauthorized individuals.

    Publishers are responsible for ensuring that the content they disseminate is ethical, accurate, and of high quality. They should adhere to strict ethical guidelines and have robust systems to detect and prevent malpractice. Publishers should also support and promote ethical practices within the academic community, providing resources and guidance to authors, editors, and reviewers.

    Malpractice in academic publishing can take various forms, including plagiarism, data falsification, unethical authorship practices, and abuse of the peer-review process. Such practices not only undermine the credibility of individual researchers but also erode the trust in the entire academic enterprise. It is therefore crucial that all parties involved in the publication process take steps to prevent and combat these unethical behaviors.

    In conclusion, the Publication Academic Ethics and Malpractice Statement serves as a reminder to all parties involved in the academic publishing process to uphold the highest standards of ethics and integrity. By adhering to these principles, we can ensure the continued growth and prosperity of the academic community, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation.

  • 2021-05-28 Visited: 8624