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    20 January 2015, Volume 23 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Exchange Rate Risk Hedging and Wholesale Price Incentive under Demand and Exchange Rate Risk Pooling
    DU Juan, NI De-bing, TANG Xiao-wo
    2015, 23 (1):  1-9.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.001
    Abstract ( 2190 )   PDF (1509KB) ( 2242 )   Save
    Considering a two-echelon supply chain consisting of an upstream manufacturer and a downstream retailer where the exchange rate risk and demand risk are pooled at the downstream retailer, two dynamic game models corresponding to whether or not the retailer is stimulated to hedge the exchange rate risk via lowering the wholesale price are established, and the corresponding equilibriums are calculated. With the equilibriums, the results show that (1)the retailer's exchange rate risk-hedging stabilizes the supply chain's production regardless of the wholesale price incentive whereas the wholesale price incentive raises the retailer's hedging proportion of total purchase payment and the wholesale price itself;(2)the wholesale price incentive makes the manufacturer reap higher profit, implying that the manufacturer is willing to incentivize the retailer to hedge the exchange rate risk;(3) under risk pooling, incentivizing the retailer to hedge the exchange rate risk via a lower wholesale price is able to achieve a tradeoff between expected profit and profit variance: the increasing in the exchange rate risk and demand risk reduce the (expected) profitability for both the whole supply chain and individual node firms, and at the same time, lower the profit variance for both the whole supply chain and the node firm where the two risks are pooled.
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    Cash Holdings Smooth Investment: Base on the Perspective of Financial Constraints
    LIU Duan, PENG Yuan, LUO Yong, ZHOU You-de, CHEN Shou
    2015, 23 (1):  10-16.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.002
    Abstract ( 2332 )   PDF (923KB) ( 1837 )   Save
    Firm's investment expenditure changes frequently because both internal and external financing are volatile, which will cause high adjustment costs. Therefore, firms should maintain stable investment expenditure. The effect that cash holdings have on firm's investment expenditure is considered in this paper. Based on the panel data of the listed companies in China A share market from 1998 to 2010, using the dynamic investment model with convex adjustment costs, the smoothing effect that cash holdings have on firm's investment expenditure in the total sample firstly is examined. Then, from the perspective of financing constraints, the differences of the smoothing effect are further analyzed under the different levels of financing constraints through group regression. It is found that cash holdings have a significant smoothing effect on firm's investment expenditure, and this effect is more pronounced when firms being financial constraints. The existing literature is enriched, and a certain theoretical basis is provided for making decisions about cash holdings and investment for Chinese listed companies.
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    Predicting Stock Behaviorvia Social Media
    JIANG Cui-qing, LIANG Kun, DING Yong, LIU Shi-xi, LIU Yao
    2015, 23 (1):  17-24.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.003
    Abstract ( 2145 )   PDF (1624KB) ( 2882 )   Save
    Predicting stock behavior via social media has attracted a great deal of attentions in the finance and knowledge management disciplines. Due to the diversity of social media participants and discussion topics, it is difficult to improve the accuracy of stock behavior prediction by applying traditional methods which based on whole level of social media information. In this paper, text feature extraction technology, principal components analysis and EM clustering are used to identify stakeholders and topics related to a special firm by social media messages' similar writing style and content feature. Furthermore, four types of social media variable are extracted from information activity intensity and sentiment inclinations to build stock behavior regression models for each stakeholder and topic. Finally, Bank of America Company's message board on Yahoo! Finance forum is chosen as our experimental platform. The validity and practicability of our proposed method are tested in experimental result.
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    Technical Efficiency Evaluation Approach for Portfolios with Transaction Costs
    ZHOU Zhong-bao, DING Hui, MA Chao-qun, WANG Mei, LIU Wen-bin
    2015, 23 (1):  25-33.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.004
    Abstract ( 2203 )   PDF (1511KB) ( 2180 )   Save
    Portfolio performance is an academic hotspot for researchers. Within the classical framework of economics, the definition of portfolio efficiency is provided based on the efficient frontier. However, in practical situations, the portfolio optimization models are usually very complicated, and thus the analytical solutions of frontier are very difficult to obtain. Under the assumption that the real efficient frontier is a concave function, DEA model is adopted to approximate the real frontier and portfolio efficiencies. The problem of evaluating the portfolio efficiency on considering transaction costs is examined. In the end, some examples are presented to show the practicality and feasibility of the proposed approach.
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    Resource Curse from the Perspective of Eco-efficiency: Comparison of Resource-dependent Regions and Resource-utilizing Ones
    HUANG Jian-huan, YANG Xiao-guang, CHENG Gang, WANG Shou-yang
    2015, 23 (1):  34-42.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.005
    Abstract ( 1916 )   PDF (1285KB) ( 1713 )   Save
    It is of great significance to the transition of regional development that whether the resource curse is supported from a multidimensional perspective, i.e., economy, resource and environment, instead of only considering the economic growth. An improved DEA model is used to measure provincial eco-efficiency in China from 2001 to 2011, and the difference between resource-dependent regions and resource-utilizing ones is compared. The empirical results show that resource curse phenomenon is not significant from the economic dimension, yet is significant from the multidimensional perspective, for the eco-efficiency of resource-utilizing is about 1.6 times of that of resource-dependent regions. Over 60% of eco-efficiency in the resource-dependent regions comes from scale effects. And the efficiency of resource-utilizing sectors in those regions is severely lower than that of resource exploration sectors, which contributes less than 40% to those regions' eco-efficiency. The key reason for low eco-efficiency may not be resource exploration but resource wastes in an environment with abundant resource. So improving resource utilization is one of the keys to enhance eco-efficiency.
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    Optimal Control Model of Trans-boundary Pollution Emissions in Two Asymmetric Countries
    LIU Li-yuan, SHI Zheng-xu, NING Li-xin
    2015, 23 (1):  43-49.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.006
    Abstract ( 1841 )   PDF (1138KB) ( 2127 )   Save
    Environmental problem has become an international issue. Handling trans-boundary pollution calls for international cooperation, but the developed countries have different understandings in the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" from that of the developing countries. The game theory is applied to study the optimal control of trans-boundary pollution, based on the control model of pollution flow and pollution stock between asymmetric countries under linear strategies and non-linear strategies. The findings of dynamic differential game indicate: under certain circumstances, pollution stock in the steady state of non-cooperative strategy to control pollution emissions is lower than that of cooperative strategy to control pollution emission.
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    DEA-based Resource Allocation Method with Considering the System Consisted of Parallel Structure
    LEI Xi-yang, DAI Qian-zhi, LI Yong-jun, XIE Qi-wei, LIANG Liang
    2015, 23 (1):  50-55.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.007
    Abstract ( 2028 )   PDF (1071KB) ( 1743 )   Save
    Decision makers are often faced with how to allocate a certain amount of resources among peer Decision Making Units (DMUs) effectively in practice. Considering DMUs as systems, this paper focuses on the resource allocation with considering the system structure consisted of a series of parallel subsystems. Treating the allocated resource as a new independent input to DMUs, the allocations ensuring all overall systems and parallel subsystems pareto efficient simultaneously (efficiency values equal to 1) is obtained by employing data envelopment analysis (DEA), and then the efficient interval of allocation for the parallel subsystem is confirmed. The utility function is defined to reflect the satisfaction degree of parallel subsystems to the resource allocation. The final resource allocation model is proposed based on the principles of max-min fairness for satisfaction degrees and Pareto efficient. Finally, the validity of the proposed resource allocation model is demonstrated by the data of the three main industries of 31 provinces or regions in China in 2008. It has theoretical and practical guiding significance in some extent.
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    The Equilibrium of Multi-period Closed-loop Supply Chain Network with Manufacturer-collection Channel under Government Subsidies
    SUN Hao, ZHANG Gui-tao, ZHONG Yong-guang, DA Qing-li
    2015, 23 (1):  56-64.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.008
    Abstract ( 2191 )   PDF (1081KB) ( 2204 )   Save
    To characterize the dynamics and complexity in the operations of closed loop supply chain (CLSC), a multi-period CLSC network equilibrium model is built under manufacturer-collection channel considering the factors of environmental constraints and government subsidies comprehensively, in which the demand market is assumed to vary dynamically among multi-period planning horizons. Moreover, the adjacent planning period is connected via channel member's holding inventories and EOL products collection. On this basis, variational inequality theory is utilized to characterize the optimal behaviors and equilibrium conditions of non-cooperative manufacturers, retailers and consumer markets respectively, and then the governing multi-period CLSC network equilibrium model is derived. The projection and contraction algorithm is proposed to solve numerical examples and make sensitivity analysis. The results show that the increase of remanufacturing conversion rate is conductive to the improvement of all the channel members' profits and consumer welfares. Despite collection rate can be raised through charging the manufacturers disposal fee for non-recovery EOL products by resource recycling factories, the benefits of the retailers and CLSC systems decrease. The government should implement subsidy mechanisms and promote channel members' cooperation to improve the performances of the CLSC network. These conclusions can provide supports for the channel members in CLSC to make decisions dynamically and for the government to make subsidy policies in reality.
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    The Impact of Network Arc's Growth on the Network Reliabiligy
    WU Liu-san, TAN Qing-mei, ZHANG Yue-hui
    2015, 23 (1):  65-72.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.009
    Abstract ( 1862 )   PDF (1321KB) ( 2005 )   Save
    It is commonly recognized that, as to a general network, the network reliability will be increasingly enhanced when network arcs are growing. However, this argument is not entirely correct. For some researches on networks that mainly focus on shortest path length, the conclusions can be got as follows. First, if network G suffers from random attacks, the network shortest path entropy is utilized as a criterion judging the network reliability and will be computed before and after an extra arc is added when the network node or arc is attacked and thus fails. In this case, the larger the entropy value is, the weaker the reliability becomes. Second, if network G suffers from malicious attacks, a newly-defined reliability indicator is applied in accordance with pessimistic principle, which is positively correlated with network reliability. The result further shows that: when G is identical to G' in the shortest path length, then the reliability of G' is not weaker than G's; when G is not equal to G' in the shortest path length, their reliability's relative value is not unique. This study helps cultivate an in-depth understanding of the influence of network arc's growth on the network's reliability. Finally, a simplified inter-city expressway network graph of Jiangsu province is exemplified to demonstrate the effectiveness and practicability of this approach.
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    A Method for Multi-stage Stochastic Multi-criteria Decision Making Concerning Prospect Theory
    HAO Jing-jing, ZHU Jian-jun, LIU Si-feng
    2015, 23 (1):  73-81.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.010
    Abstract ( 2171 )   PDF (2880KB) ( 3125 )   Save
    In practical decision-making problem, the risk preference of decision makers became an important factor influencing decision results, especially in the stochastic multi-criteria decision-making problems which contained many uncertainties. Prospect theory offered a new way in solving the uncertain decision-making problems. In this paper, a novel method for multi-stage stochastic multi-criteria decision-making concerning the prospect theory is proposed. Specifically, the concept of dynamic reference point concerning developing speed is introduced to determine the dynamic prospect values of alternatives. Additionally, a programming model is constructed to calculate the weights of criteria in each stage. Moreover, a model for evaluating the ranges of dynamic prospect values is constructed to reflect the fluctuations of alternative performances. Finally, a case is conducted to verify the results of the above approach, which can reflect the decision maker's risk preference and improve the discrimination of alternatives.
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    The LocationModels and Algorithms for Emergency Shelter with Traffic Capacity Constraint
    NI Guan-qun, XU Yin-feng, XU Jiu-ping
    2015, 23 (1):  82-88.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.011
    Abstract ( 2143 )   PDF (1003KB) ( 2647 )   Save
    Taking into account the capacity constraint of road, the k-shelter problem is proposed based on the k-center problem. The problem for the case of k=1 on the general tree graph is analyzed and one strategy searching the optimal location for the shelter is designed. On the line graph, the strategy for the case of k=1 is firstly improved and then the properties for the cases of k=2 and k>2 are analyzed, respectively. According to these properties, a kind of binary search algorithms whose time complexity equals O(nlogkn) is proposed for the general case of k on the line graph. The proposed model extends the classical k-center problem, and the designed algorithms are contributed to the practice of emergency management.
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    Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Cities' Policy Coordination Based on Mas
    LUO Hang, ZHANG Yi, MENG Qing-guo
    2015, 23 (1):  89-98.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.012
    Abstract ( 2156 )   PDF (2076KB) ( 1970 )   Save
    To analyze the Multi-Cities' Government Interaction and Policy Preference Evolution, a multi-agent simulation system is built through conceptual model, mathematic model and computer model. The preference evolutionary mechanism of micro decision-making entities is constructed based on dynamic system, and the topology evolving rule of macro social networks is built based on complex networks, and the reliability and validity test for simulation model and results is given. The simulation experiments investigate the effect of global interaction proportion, local interlinking probability, administration/stimulation measures and their interaction on the evolving process of the multi-cities' policy coordination. The statistics analysis of large sample of simulation data is integrated, to provide policy advices to advance the collaboration and integration of urban agglomeration. This research is a frontier expansion of the multi-agent system in the field of public management and policy, endowing the discipline with new research perspective and methodological system, and also an innovative try of government organizations simulation experiment research.
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    The Evaluation Model of Business Project Overall Risks of Follower Banks Based on Copula
    LI Zhan-jiang, CHI Guo-tai, DANG Jun-zhang
    2015, 23 (1):  99-110.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.013
    Abstract ( 2259 )   PDF (1606KB) ( 2032 )   Save
    When a bank as forerunners joined a project, subsequent another bank as followers will comprehensively take the forerunner bank credit risk and the business project risk into consideration, and make investment decisions by the overall risk of investment projects. This is the evaluation question of business project overall risks based on follower banks. Because one bank is just familiar with the projects in some fields, some areas, some countries, which requirs follower banks need use the forerunner banks credit risk to infer the overall risk of business projects. According to the assumption that forerunner bank credit risk and project risk can reflect total project risk, the evaluation model of business project overall risks is established based on follower banks. The copula function is used to determine function relations of forerunner banks credit risk RF and project risk RP, total risk RT is obtained, to solve measurement problem of business project overall risks at last. The result reveals that under 95% confidence levels, as far as follower banks are concerned, no matter sample numbers, important degree of forerunner bank credit risk RF and project risk RP is: W1=0.428, W2=0.572. This research has the great guide meaning not only for the follower banks of the later investment, but also for all inter-bank cooperation.
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    A Method for Public Housing Matching Assignment Based on Axiomatic Design and Excess Functionality
    GE Huai-zhi, ZHANG Jin-long
    2015, 23 (1):  111-120.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.014
    Abstract ( 1978 )   PDF (1888KB) ( 2229 )   Save
    The rational assignment of public housing is the lifeblood of the success and sustainable development of public housing project. Because there is no reasonable plan and approach in the assignment of public housing, it is not only hard to guarantee the "fairness and justice", but also result in the efficiency loss of public housing assignment to some degree. Referring to the theory of dual-matching, public housing matching assignment approach is proposed based on axiomatic design and excess functionality, and a public housing matching and assignment multi-objective optimizing decision model is constructed. The case of public housing assignment calculation illustrates that the proposed approach is provided with the feasibility and practicality, which could improve the scientificity, rationality and accuracy of public housing assignment. With the numerical simulation of membership function coefficient, the relationship of development stage of housing security, housing security strategy and matching assignment solutions are discussed, and some strategies for public housing assignment are proposed: at the beginning and developing stage of housing guarantee, the priority should be given to the guarantee coverage, and the needs excess of public housing should be avoid; at the mature and developed stage, the guarantee level priority should be given to meet the higher housing improvement needs of housing guarantee objects.
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    Researchthe Resource Allocation Problem in Stochastic Weighted Cross Efficiency
    CUI Yu-quan, ZHANG Xian, LU Xi, LI Lin-lin
    2015, 23 (1):  121-127.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.015
    Abstract ( 2092 )   PDF (929KB) ( 2058 )   Save
    Resources is becoming increasingly important role in economic development. In this paper, due to that resource allocation in the presence of certain factors are random, so it proposed that stochastic DEA method is used to carry on comprehensive analysis of resource allocation problem in three aspects, which is from production efficiency, input-output elasticity and production potential. A new random weighted cross efficiency calculation model and a potential production capacity model are established. The formula of the returns to scale is given. Integrated three influencing factors, a new model about resource allocation weights is established. After the numerical example, the calculation results are satisfactory.
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    Research of Vehicle Routing Problem with Three-Dimensional Loading Constraints
    YAN Rui, ZHANG Qun, HU Rui
    2015, 23 (1):  128-134.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.016
    Abstract ( 1960 )   PDF (1123KB) ( 2625 )   Save
    In distribution process, the volume of goods could be a key influential factor. An important combination of three-dimensional loading and vehicle routing problem, known as the Three-Dimensional Loading Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (3DL-CVRP) is adhessed, which aimed at arranging as much as possible items while control their total weight under the vehicle's loading limit. Based on the real distribution problem, a 3DL-CVRP model was build and a heuristics algorithm named Guided Local Search Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm(GLSFGA) was given. This new algorithm rooted from the improved Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm and designed for VRP specifically. The fuzzy logic controller in GLSFGA was brand new because of its creative guiding methods. The GLSFGA had shown an overall good performance compared to the benchmark approach.
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    Research on Collaborative Transportation Routing Integration Problem
    WENG Ke-rui, ZHU Ke-jun, LIU Geng
    2015, 23 (1):  135-140.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.017
    Abstract ( 1919 )   PDF (1302KB) ( 1997 )   Save
    Collaborative transportation is a good way of saving logistics costs by integrating all transportation demands and transportation resources to achieve economies of scale. Under the scale effect, the unit transport cost is lower if we construct a hub arc by paying a fixed charge and take more flow to the arc. And transportation tasks have to carefully choose their route since zigzag route has larger distance than direct route. In this paper, collaborative transportation routing integration problem are studied with fixed arc costs and distance limitation(CTRIP), which seeks the optimal transportation route of all O-D flow to minimize the total costs including routing costs of tasks and fixed costs of hub arcs, while the routing distance is required to be within a limited range. CTRIP arises in the application on airline transportation, road transportation, postal services and pipeline transport. A mixed-integer programming model is formulated for CTRIP, and a heuristic algorithm is provided based on Benders Decomposition. Then, a computational experiment is carried out based on AP data set from OR-Library, and the results show the algorithm works well. Further, CTRIP is compared with current relative researches about Hub-and-Spoke Network Design Problem (HASNDP) on a special instance. It is found that CTRIP can better guarantee scale advantages of hub arcs than CTRIP which has a flaw hypothesis.Unlike HASNDP which concentrate on integrating tasks through hubs, combing transport through hub arcs is the focus of this paper. The study can provide a new perspective research about collaborative transportation by shifting our method from integrating tasks through nodes to combing transport through arcs.
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    A Dynamic Combinational Evaluation Method Based on Drift
    LI Mei-juan, CHEN Guo-hong, XU Lin-ming, OU Zhong-hui
    2015, 23 (1):  141-145.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.018
    Abstract ( 1961 )   PDF (879KB) ( 2095 )   Save
    A dynamic combinational evaluation method is proposed in order to get rid of the inconsistency among evaluation results from different dynamic evaluation methods. The concept of drift is defined in this paper. A set of dynamic combinational evaluations are obtained based on the compatible dynamic methods. A dynamic combinational evaluation method based on drift is proposed. In this practice, a dynamic combinational evaluation is conducted on the independent innovation capabilities of the provinces in east China. The source data of the evaluation indicators for the regional technological innovation capacities come from Chinese statistics yearbook, Chinese science and technology statistics yearbook, and the web site of People's Republic of China Ministry of Science and Technology which provides a database with the major indicators for the science and technology in China. Such an evaluation, as an instance, shows that the findings of this work are practically effective. The method proposed in this study provides an idea in dealing with the inconsistency among dynamic evaluation results, helpfully complements the comprehensive evaluation method, and facilitates the researches in related fields.
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    The Study of Credit Evaluation System Based on Improved Fuzzy Evaluation Method—Evidence from Small and medium-sized enterprises in China
    CHEN Xiao-hong, YANG Zhi-hui
    2015, 23 (1):  146-153.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.019
    Abstract ( 2344 )   PDF (1388KB) ( 4030 )   Save
    With the analysis of the current financing difficulties and its causes of SMEs in China, the improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model—AFF model(Analytic hierarchy process- Factor Analysis- Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation) is proposed in this paper, in order to deal with the credit assessment on SMEs. During the index weight in decision-making problems, the proposed model considered the uncertainty of a complex large group decision-making, and the problem of index weights in the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is discussed, combined subjective weighting method with the objective weighting method. Based on that group decision making AHP determined the subjective weights and factor analysis determined the objective weights, there goes the comprehensive weight determined by the multiplication normalization formula. The model not only overcomes the shortcomings of traditional subjective factors empowerment method, but also takes full account of objective factors, and introduced the idea of group decision-making, expanding the application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, with more theoretical practical significance. 53 companies of IT service industry are selected as the sample, the model is used to do empirical analysis, which verifies the model's applicability, stability and objectivity. The results show that the AFF model can accurately get the company's credit rating, and can find some relevant factors that will lead to bad credit. With the analysis of the relevant factors, it can help leaders and decision-makers to improve the company's credit situation, thus has a strong practical significance. AFF model has both application and popularization in the comprehensive evaluation area.
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    Incidencedegree Model of Interval Grey Number based on Whitenization Weight Function
    ZHANG Zhi-yong, WU Sheng
    2015, 23 (1):  154-162.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.020
    Abstract ( 1905 )   PDF (3986KB) ( 2505 )   Save
    Based on space mapping of interval grey number, whitenization weight function was used to describe the distribution of interval grey number. Grey figure and grey centre were defined to describe the shape of the whitenization weight function and its gravity centre respectively; Grey circle and grey radius were defined to describe the circle which has the same area as the grey figure and its radius respectively. Based on Deng's incidence degree, a new idea for the incidence degree analysis of interval grey number is proposed in this paper by measuring the difference of two grey figure sequences. With the horizontal and vertical ordinate sequence of grey centre and the difference of the grey radius, a new incidence degree model of interval grey number with whitenization weight function was established. Focus on one kind of widely used whitenization weight function, the specific formula of the incidence degree was derived. At the end of the paper, a numerical example of supplier selection proves that the new method is cogent and effective. Incidence degree model of interval grey number based on whitenization weight function could be widely used in the areas such as the resources exploration, the machinery fault diagnostic, the product quality evaluation and Supplier selection.
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    Study on Equity Regulation Mechanism for Strategic Alliance Synergy
    CAI Ji-Rong
    2015, 23 (1):  163-169.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.021
    Abstract ( 2115 )   PDF (916KB) ( 1812 )   Save
    Synergy of strategic alliances is a self-organization process guaranteed by mechanisms. Equity alliance can be seen as a kind of regulation mechanism. Incentive compatibility, information symmetry and benefit sharing among partners of alliances can be promoted by means of bilateral dependence relationship formed by investment of relational assets. Through the comparative analysis of Nash bargaining between the partners of alliances with the equivalent and nonequivalent investment of relational assets, synergistic effects of equity regulation can be detected. And combined with the decision analysis of optimal equity structure it revealed equivalence shared equity are available for synergy of alliances.
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    Empirical Relationship Driven Qualitative Simulation on Optimization for Value-added Strategy Alignment
    WEI Xiao-chao, HU Bin, Nie Gui-hua
    2015, 23 (1):  170-176.  doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2015.01.022
    Abstract ( 2136 )   PDF (1486KB) ( 2036 )   Save
    To reach the equilibrium in mobile value chain, the alignment between the value-added strategy and the business strategy must be realized. The qualitative simulation and empirical study are combined to study the value-added strategy alignment. The value-added strategy alignment is used as an example and questionnaire is designed to obtain data from mobile value-added industry, which is then statistically analyzed by DANP(Dynamic Analytic Network Process) to examine the interactions between drivers. Then, a qualitative simulation method (QSIM algorithm) is introduced to drive the evolution of the interactions between drivers to solve the optimization problem. Based on MALTAB 7.0, a prototype system is developed, and the simulation result can be served as the development priority in each driver, and the optimal resource allocation is achieved. It is more beneficial for mobile value chain when the participant with higher initial state take on more responsibilities. Service provider should have higher development priority and more resource allocation, due to its more significant effect on the total revenue. Furthermore, the integrated method can also deal with the optimization problem with incomplete information in other management fields, when the accurate mathematical model is unavailable.
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