Research on the Resources of Complex Adaptive System of Supply Chain Based on the Three-Tiered-Echo Model
BAI Shi-zhen, ZHENG Xiao-jing
2007, 15 (2):
In this article,we analyze some character istics of the structure of the resources'value in the sup ply chain,based on the laboraxiology,such as asym metry,non-linearity,dynamics,changeable with time and space,the organic whole of various resources and so on,and we contacs the chromo some of the resources'value in the supply chain in order to create a room which involves kinds of agents,then define these effect points between agents by random numbers and integrate these resources.We set up If Then rule on the supply distribution of resources and the layout standard on correlated opportunity restr aint, which can be used in the three-tired-echo model on the interaction of the complex adaptive system in the supply chain,and simulate,by adding the thought of genetic algorithm in Swarm flattop.As a result,we can discover that all resources of the complex adaptive system in the supply chain are a whole one that can not be separated,the resources,such as management,technique information,thought,etc.,make a role effect in the system,and the resouv ces'value adjusted by the weight function can describe these correctly. The three-tired-echo model is a useful and accurate interior model to described the interaction between agents in the supply chain.The agents in this system can cooperate,compete,and allocate resources according to this model,and then we can make the whole resources in the situation of optimization.
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